
Watchman Report 7/8/13

Tisha b'Av and the Coming Temple

Will this be the first time the world sees the Ark of Covenant?

Temple Institute to Reveal 'Treasures of the Temple'

Rebuilding Israel's Temple Mount

In Shiloh, an intriguing discovery alludes to the Tabernacle

Archaeologists: We Found Evidence of Israelite Tabernacle

Was there a Jewish temple in ancient Egypt?

The Last Generation

Where are they from? Mystery intergalactic radio bursts detected

E.T., old chap? British astronomers launch SETI network to seek aliens

Cloud modeling expands estimate of life-supporting planets

The Phoenix Lights: Testing the Waters for Disclosure?

Kepler Mission Search for Alien Worlds --"We May Find Some Surprises Out There"

The Age of Apostasy

Big Brother, The World Brain, And Psychohistory

Hold the Ethics: Surveillance, Data Mining and the Destruction of Personal Privacy

Wondering What Harmless 'Metadata' Like the NSA Compiles Can Actually Reveal?

Stealth Wear Aims to Make a Tech Statement

Your DNA vulnerable to snooping, too?

Guarding Our DNA

DNA Brings Materials to Life

First-ever human head transplant is now possible, says neuroscientist

The electrified brain: the power and promise of neural implants

RoboCup 2013: Robot games spur advances in artificial intelligence

The Exponentially Accelerating Progress in Artificial Intelligence Raises Safety Questions

How to Build an Ape

A Wave Of Anger Is Sweeping The Cities Of The World

The "Chosen" Ones

Part 1

Part 2

Learning From Young Atheists: What Turned Them Off Christianity

Pope's Reform Path: Francis Shakes Up Church Establishment

Pope Francis cleans house at the Vatican Bank

19 Reasons To Be Deeply Concerned About The Global Economy As We Enter The 2nd Half Of 2013

Crude Soars on Reports of State of Emergency in Egypt's Suez Province

Two more die in Saudi Arabia from MERS coronavirus

The Great Collapse: crust weakening, slipping, and collapsing across the planet

Incredible Technology: How to Engineer the Climate

EMP Attack and Solar Storms: Cascading Failures and Nuclear Meltdown

U.N. nuclear chief warns of 'dirty bomb' threat

Man with guns, explosive devices arrested in Seattle

Totalitarianism on the way: Obama 'heads biggest surveillance network ever'

July 4 protests target NSA surveillance as Fourth Amendment violations

Celebrating American independence while abetting tyranny

U.S. Postal Service Logging All Mail for Law Enforcement

Rumor: Obama to force Americans to move to the cities

Inconsistency: Obama OK with voter ID in Kenya, but not in U.S.

WSJ: Health Insurance Rates Could 'Double Or Even Triple' For Healthy Consumers In Obamacare's Exchanges

In California, Single Women Will Also Face A Doubling Of Health Insurance Premiums Due To Obamacare

Teens urged to promote ObamaCare under California grant, report says

The rapid collapse of ObamaCare

'Prepare to be shocked,' Milwaukee archbishop warns of priest sex files

Justice Department: Tolerance Trumps Homeschooling

Claim: Obama hid ‘gay life’ to become president

Former Homosexuals Petition Obama for Official 'Ex-Gay Pride' Month

California lawmakers pass bill to allow transgender students to pick which restrooms they use

New Law Allows Male 'Wives' and Female 'Husbands'

Street Preachers Protesting Homosexuality Assaulted at Seattle's Pridefest

The Defense of Marriage

Public Approval of Supreme Court Falls to All-Time Low

The Supreme Court’s Misuse of Children to Justify Same-Sex Marriage

SCOTUS Gives "Loving Couples" The Gold Mine - Families And Society Get The Shaft

James Dobson: Marriage equality will destroy ‘entire superstructure’ of society

Isn’t That Sweet?: Lucky Charms Goes Gay

Study Shows Shift in Support for LGBTQ Rights Within Religious Groups

Abortion Supporters Chant 'Hail Satan' in Texas Capitol as Pro-Lifers Sing 'Amazing Grace'

Texas House Panel Passes Abortion Ban on 2nd Try

Suspended abortionist may be working illegally

Pro-Life Group Charged $650 for 'Free Speech' on University Campus

Planned Parenthood Sues Over Law Requiring That Moms Be Told They’re Killing a ‘Human Being’

Official: Asiana flight tried to abort landing

Record Breaking Heat Wave Sweeps US

Canada Shuts Down Cairo Embassy

1 dead, many missing after Quebec train blasts

Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano grounds US flights

Decapitated referee video surfaces: Referee's head staked in Brazil soccer field

Venezuela offers asylum to U.S. fugitive Snowden

Costa Rica 'accidentally' legalises gay marriage

Huge waves hit Chile and Peru

Bolivia Threatens to Close US Embassy over Snowden

Europe's 'most wanted' drug trafficker caught in Colombia

EU threatens to suspend data-sharing with U.S. over spy reports

French President Blasts U.S. Surveillance Program

France accused of spying on its own people in Paris version of Prism

Obama, Merkel agree to high-level talks on U.S. surveillance program

U.K. may OK creating babies with DNA from 3 people

The arrest of street preacher Tony Miano reveals the threat to religious freedom from the same-sex marriage Bill
Reporter points printed gun at Netanyahu

Int'l Red Cross slams MDA for operating in east Jerusalem, West Bank

Report: Kerry plan calls for settlement freeze, prisoner release

John Kerry's wife hospitalized in Boston

Why is Kerry spending his time in Israel?

Egyptian turmoil strikes a blow to Gaza’s Hamas rulers

Egyptian, Israeli military alerts prompted by Islamist mutiny threat from Sinai and first attacks

Five Egyptian policemen killed by gunmen in Sinai

Egyptian Military Overthrows Muslim Brotherhood Regime

‘Morsi tried to split military, dismiss defense minister’

Saudis, Gulf emirates actively aided Egypt’s military coup, settling score for Mubarak ouster

Don't worry for us, but rejoice for us, says Egyptian Bible Society leader

Inside The Revolution: What's Going on in Egypt?

'Muslim Brotherhood claims interim Egyptian president is Jewish'

ElBaradei's appointment as Egypt's interim prime minister put on hold

Obama frowns on Egyptian army’s alignment with Gulf regimes, coming crackdown on Muslim Brotherhood

Law requires Obama administration to cut off Egyptian aid

Syrian Leader Is Jubilant at Morsi’s Fall

Jerusalem Dateline: Israel and Syria's Civil War

Priest Killed as Crowd Cheers

Christians and other religious minorities under fire in Syria

Boy killed for an off-hand remark about Muhammad - Sharia spreads in Syria

Revealed: Iran's secret nuke deal with China, N. Korea

Afghanistan-American translator arrested for alleged slayings

Nine blasts in 30 minutes rock Bodh Gaya, Buddha's abode bombed in Mahabodhi temple

With Surf Like Turf, Huge Algae Bloom Befouls China Coast

Bae from North Korean prison: Please help me

US Calls N. Korea to Release American from Prison

Kidnapped Christian Released after Miraculous Prayer

8 killed in army-rebel clash in Philippines' south

6.0-magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia

'Dozens dead' in school attack in Nigeria's Yobe state

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