
Watchman Report 7/15/13

The Emerging Chaos

Terrorism at a moment of transition

Watch Muslims and Jews Agree that End Times Here and Acceptance of Antichrist

The EU Antichrist

Muslim says move over Jesus: New ‘savior of humanity’

Minister calls for third Temple to be built

One third of Israeli Jews want Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem, poll finds

Holy work or troublemaking? Laying the groundwork for a Third Temple in Jerusalem

Increased Police Presence Around Temple Mount

Iran, Syria Seek Human Rights Council Seat

Seven Types of the Rapture

The Final Pope?

Ancient ‘Prophecy of the Popes’ coming true?

Op-Ed: The Vatican is Not A Friend of the Jews

Vatican infighting: We told you two popes could be a problem

Pope overhauls laws for Vatican City, criminalizing leaks of Vatican info and child sex abuse

Archbishop calls for Church to join the sexual ‘revolution’

The Age of Apostasy

Demons of Religion

The Current Hal Lindsey Report

The Atheist Fad

‘Evolution vs. God’ Movie So Popular It Crashes Evangelical Leader’s Website: ‘It’s Going to Take Down Evolution’

Atheist Richard Dawkins Promotes Creation Movie to 755K Twitter Followers

What is this strange light in the sky?

NASA Mars Mission for 2020 to Search for Signs of Ancient Life

Experts: DNA ruling could lead to national ID

Global DNA Stockpiling by Police Sparks Alarm

People like buying with a fingerprint

Iris scans are the new school IDs

Seeing eye to eye with advanced iris-based biometric technology

Thermal imaging of face vein patterns enters the biometric discussion

Biometrics: The Final Frontier

3-D printers go from plastic to liquid metal

In the heels of Dr. Frankenstein

Lori Anderson: Crossing a dangerous genetic line

Embryos: two parents good, three parents bad?

Iran develops new method raising cloning speed by 100 times

Human Chromosomes in Mice

Prehistoric DNA sequencing: Jurassic Park was not so wide of the mark

Attitudes on Crops Are Modifying

2 Million Deaths Yearly Worldwide Linked with Air Pollution

This is a powerful technology that can harm as well as benefit the human race

Geoengineering schemes likely to backfire

A Prophetic Dream of America?

It's Here: The Stealth Collapse of the American Economy

House passes farm bill; strips out food-stamp program

The US Fears the World will Discover its Big Nuclear Secret

US intel: Iran's long-range rockets could reach America by 2015

Muslim Brotherhood America's Next Great Enemy?

Attorney: IRS turned blind eye to U.S.-based ‘Muslim mafia’

Scathing Congress Report Slams Obama’s ‘covert, Criminal Activity’

Report: Microsoft collaborated closely with NSA

The IRS Mistakenly Exposed Thousands of Social Security Numbers

Gun Geo Marker app tries to locate homes, businesses of gun owners

Demonstrators across America rally after Zimmerman 'not guilty' verdict, amid some reports of vandalism

Black Violence v. White Skyrockets; Media Dead Silent

Palestinian-American football player denies accusations he's an anti-Semitic radical

Claim: Dems have list of 'gettable' House Republicans for amnesty bill

Democratic Senator Introduces Freedom to Pray Act

Federal appeals court rejects Christian university's request to overturn ObamaCare

Sen. Mike Lee Throws Down Gauntlet: Defund Obamacare or Face Government Shutdown

Chinese Crash Victims Headed to Evangelical Church School

College Draws Fire for Hiring Creationism Advocate

Proposed marriage amendment to Constitution – ignored by liberal media?

Transgender Bathroom Rights Bill Passed By California Lawmakers

Now the Gay Agenda Wants to Dictate What Movies You Watch

Airman Punished for Objecting to Gay Marriage in Military Chapel

DoD, VA Calculate Costs of Post-DOMA Military

Ex-Mormon floats theory about church's support for homosexual 'marriage'

Alternative To Boy Scouts Emerges

Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals

It's an Avalanche, Not a Slippery Slope

Major papers reject pro-life ad – image of baby ‘too controversial’

North Carolina House approves restrictions on abortion clinics

Texas state Senate passes abortion restrictions

'Hail, Satan!': The New Pro-Choice Mantra?

Abortion Activists Shout “F— the Church” During Chants at Texas Capitol

Texas YMCA boots pro-life students from shower facilities

Saudi princess charged in U.S. with human trafficking

Mysterious 2,000-year-old graves, pyramid ruins found in Mexico

Luis Palau Festival in Venezuela Draws Thousands

Dominicans Freak Out Over Obama's Gay Ambassador Pick

Man excluded by UK for iterating Islamic position on jihad

Evangelist Arrested Curbside for Condemning Homosexuality

BBC Says Christians Who Oppose Gay Marriage Are 'Damaging the Church'

Most children to be born outside of marriage by 2016

Irish lawmakers back 'life saving' abortion bill

Dozens Injured in Northern Ireland as Protestants Riot

Twitter hands over data in French anti-Semitism case

Loose rail connector 'may have caused' France crash

Russia: Islamist leader to militants: 'Do everything possible' to prevent Sochi 2014 Olympics

Earliest alphabetical inscription from Biblical times found in Jerusalem

Bennett urges Israeli government to make entering Chinese market a national priority

Ultra-Orthodox paper backs delegitimization of haredi soldiers

Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews pray outside J’lem police HQ

2013 Six Month Report: 5,635 Violent Attacks Committed Against Jews in Israel, West Bank

'Christians should not be classified as Arabs'

‘Arab Spring’ Prompts Israeli Christians To Break From Muslim Political Parties And Form New Movement

Nablus mayor: If talks fail, Palestinians will take to streets

Hundreds of Palestinians arrested in pre-Ramadan raids

Why don't Arabs give aid to Palestinians?

Israel test-fires new rocket propulsion system

Israeli Army Successfully Tests New Rocket Technology

IDF Says Hezbollah Weapons Cache Exceeds 60,000 Rockets, All Israel in Range

Hezbollah’s suicide bombing tactics come back to haunt it

The Spread of Violence in Egypt

Washington’s push against Egyptian, Israeli go-it-alone military steps. US marines deployed off Suez, Sinai

Egyptian Revolution Triggers Unexpected Regional Realignment

Egypt military in dire straits after falling into Muslim Brotherhood trap

Egyptian army’s financial coup: 12 billion petrodollars from Saudi, UAE, Kuwaiti fans

US sends 4 more F-16s to Egypt, despite Cairo tumult

Israel allows an Egyptian Apache gunship base in Sinai to combat Islamist terror

Egyptian army kills dozens of Hamas gunmen

Egypt to Deploy More Troops to Sinai

Egyptian Revolution

Egypt's interim president announces election timetable

Egypt announces criminal investigation against Morsi

Christians targeted for retribution in Egypt

Egypt's Christians Hopeful Despite Uncertain Future

Egypt's Christians target of Islamist anger in wake of Morsi's ouster

Israel and Syria's Civil War

Violent Ramadan ahead: Egypt’s army chief says no to dialogue with Brotherhood. Assad nixes ceasefire

US to media: Israel struck Latakia arsenal last week. Will Putin and Assad make good on threats of reprisal?

Report: Israel, Russia May Reach Agreement to Halt S-300 Delivery to Syria

Money, guns flowing from Kuwait to Syria's most radical rebel factions

Tortured in the Sinai: 'I Was Hanged for Days'

Iraq: Blasts at Sunni mosques in Baghdad kill 21

Israeli PM to push US for ‘more credible military option’ on Iran

Report: Saudi Arabia has missiles trained on Iran, Israel

Iran to sue U.S. over 'Stuxnet' Sabotage

Christian tried in Iran

Released Iranian pastor remains closely watched

23 militants killed in Afghanistan

UK soldier and veteran suicides 'outstrip Afghan deaths'

China suffers worst floods in 50 years

12 confirmed dead in SW China landslide

China evacuations as Typhoon Soulik hits

Cyberattack on South Korea was part of 4-year spying campaign

Radioactive water likely leaking to Pacific, Japan says

Gov't, MILF rebels agree on wealth-sharing accord

African Religious Leaders Rebuke Obama's Call to Decriminalize Homosexuality

Official: 7 U.N. peacekeepers killed in Sudan attac

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