
Watchman Report 7/22/13

The Watchtower Meets...
...the Pleiadeans

Alien Probes Could Be Surfing the Galaxy

The Legends of Giants

Human-Animal Hybrids: Sick And Twisted Chimeras Are Being Created In Labs All Over The Planet

Revealed: Ordinary laboratory animals are outnumbered by genetically modified counterparts for first time

Scientists Discover Quadruple Helix: Four Strand DNA In Human Cells

DNA Warfare

US Military, Monsanto Targeting GMO Activists and Independent Scientists, New Investigation Alleges

Expert claims something massive might be 'tilting' the universe but admit they have NO idea what it is

Results from Mars Curiosity rover suggests a catastrophic event on the Red Planet years ago stripped away its atmosphere

Red Planet Riviera: Ancient Mars Ocean Found?

NASA tests 3D-printed rocket engine

New Technology Could Make It Possible To Fly Anywhere In The World In 4 Hours

The Current Hal Lindsey Report

Catholic Theologians who foretold how Rome would assist the Antichrist

Did Something Satanic Occur At The Vatican 50 Years Ago?

Did some of Catholicism's greatest apparitions also foretell Rome's end-times Antichrist role?

One hell of deal all right... Pope Frank’s Social Media Indulgences

Welcome Proto-Skynet

Be afraid: DARPA unveils Terminator-like Atlas robot

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

Engineers designing robots to revolutionize farming, ease labor woes

Human evolution: the next stages

Google exec hints at ultimate recruitment perk for top engineers: Life extension

Your Future Brain-Machine Implant: Ultrasonic Neural Dust

Is human super-intelligence a bad idea?

Do You Know Where You’ll Be 285 Days From Now At 2 P.M.? These Data-Masters Do

Driving somewhere? There's a gov't record of that

Next-generation cash machines set to replace bank cards with facial recognition

You Won't Need a PIN When You Pay for Everything with Your Face

'Eye-tracking biometric tech can bring revolution in password authentication system'

Biometric touchscreen recognises prints for first time

School decides future of radio-chipping for students

Woman believes biometric license data is start of Biblical 'Mark of the Beast'

Message from the mud: East Antarctic meltdown could cause massive sea rise

The CIA wants to know how to control the climate

G20 to seek reassurance from U.S. Fed and China

Russian Readiness

Russian military stages biggest war games since Soviet times

Pentagon: Growing Threat as China Expands Missile Arsenal Development

Frightening Pentagon report warns that China, North Korea and Iran will soon be armed with nuclear missiles capable of striking the United States

Egyptian Politician: U.S. Ambassador Member of Muslim Brotherhood 'Sleeper Cells'

Hackers threaten America's emergency warning system

The ideas behind Obama’s new world order

Popular U.S. Imam: Constitution Inferior to Sharia

New Utah NSA center requires 1.7M gallons of water daily to operate

Forget PRISM: FAIRVIEW is the NSA's project to "own the Internet"

Secret court OKs continued US phone surveillance program for another three months

New law 'allows Obama to take over all media'

Obama Quietly Gives Himself Power to Seize Internet

Gov't Bureau 'Creating a Google Earth on Every Financial Transaction,' Senator Warns

Napolitano Leaving DHS Under Cloud of Suspicion

Obama taps top fundraisers, bundlers for ambassadorships

Lawmaker shreds Obama's 'imperial presidency'

Labor Unions: Obamacare Will 'Shatter' Our Health Benefits, Cause 'Nightmare Scenarios'

74% of small businesses will fire workers, cut hours under Obamacare

Boehner: Judge Congress on how many laws it repeals

Victory for Hobby Lobby in Obamacare Mandate

ACLJ to IRS: Quit stalling and approve our clients’ applications

Ivy League professor calls God a 'racist' after Zimmerman verdict

McCain joins Obama in calling for review of 'Stand Your Ground' laws

Cruz says Obama going after guns with ‘stand your ground’ remark

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz encourage Christian conservatives to engage in politics

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Praying for Spiritual Revival In America

Is Barack Obama ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

California judge blocks war memorial because it includes cross

Churches plan cross display despite opposition

Parents, students tired of prayer being pushed aside

U.S. District Court tells Florida school it cannot prohibit religious expression

Churches Fear Lawsuits over Gay Weddings

Case on counseling homosexuals could make precedent

Fuller Seminary Allows First LGBT Campus Group

Disney and ‘gay’ characters; parents urged on to action

Crossdressing camp for boys as young as six draws criticism from Christian leaders

Planned Parenthood Closing Down 3 Abortion Clinics Following New Texas Law

Texas abortionist threatens to defy new state law

Rhode Island governor vetoes 'Choose Life' license plates

Largest abortion clinic in Virginia shuts doors

Former Gosnell clinic worker seeks help from pro-life organization

Wisconsin state rep introduces pro-life state amendment

Detroit Files for Bankruptcy

No signs Washington to come to Detroit's rescue

8,000-acre blaze in Riverside County destroys seven homes

Monsoonal moisture helps give firefighters an edge in blazes

Storms prompt flooding in Arizona

Lightning strikes injure 10 in Colo., 3 in Mont.

Tornado hits Ohio's Ursuline College

Dozens of NJ firefighters overcome as killer heat wave nears an end

Seized missile radars on N. Korean ship a threat to aircraft

Cuba claims ownership of arms seized on N Korean-flagged ship

Roman Catholics in decline in Brazil, Protestants on the rise

Ancient monument adds spicy twist to Maya 'Game of Thrones' saga

Britain's Cameron toughens his stance against online porn searches

Same-sex marriage legalized in England, Wales

Gay marriage reveals surprise contrast between ‘starchy’ Britain and ‘freewheeling’ France

France's same-sex marriage law exposes a deep social divide

Israeli archaeologists claim biblical King David’s palace discovered

Israel's fast evolving demography

Israel’s Deepest Well Targets 1.5 Billion Barrels of Oil

A 'Hackathon' in support of Israel

European Union Formally Limits Israel to Borders of 1949 Lines

Obama uses EU to confront Israel with tough interlinked choices: borders or nuclear-armed Iran

Simon Wiesenthal Center Calls on World Trade Organization to Condemn EU ‘Earthquake’ Anti-Israel Directive

Even Palestinians oppose new EU sanctions on Israel

Kerry obtains Israeli, Palestinian consent to negotiate interim accord, without borders issue

PLO, Fatah Reject Kerry's Plan for Peace Talks

Israel to free 'heavyweight' Palestinian prisoners

Hamas nearly struck Ashkelon by mistake in June

Syria conflict in stalemate, David Cameron says

U.S. Liaison to Syrian Rebels Refuses to Answer Questions

Syrian Refugee Crisis Destabilizes Jordan

Syria conflict: 'Troops kills 13 family members'

Syria: Children describe life of fear

Egypt set for Fattah 2 offensive on Sinai Islamist terror. Gaza sealed. US and Israeli forces on alert

Iron Dome battery stationed in Eilat amid Sinai instability

Al Qaeda’s Sinai commander was Bin Laden’s physician Dr. Ramzi Mowafi, a chemical arms expert

Egypt’s Gen. El-Sisi tells visiting US official: Don’t bully Cairo by threats to suspend military aid

Islamic extremists reportedly attacking Egypt's Christian community over Morsi ouster

Netanyahu: Morsi fall a sign of political Islam's weakness

Christian Girls Being Snatched by Islamist Traffickers

Hamas reeling from Egyptian crackdown on Gaza tunnels

Saudi Arabian Airlines Defends Discrimination Against Israelis

Norwegian woman fighting jail sentence in Dubai for reporting rape

Death toll from Iraq attacks reaches 75

Has the end game begun? Iran war could come in 2013.

Iran's Rouhani Affirms Support for Syria, Hizbullah

Christian Formerly Imprisoned in Iran for Their Faith Share Their Story

Pakistan forces clear militant areas near Afghan border

Women 'banned from shopping alone' in northern Pakistan

Pakistan: Christian facing life imprisonment for blasphemy

Money, guns and democracy: Why the Obama administration is obsessed with India

Hunger fears after India floods

The suffering of millions of widows

Quake rescue hampered in Gansu, China, as death toll rises to 56

China keeps persecution hidden from sight

Vietnam: New Believers Pressured to Recant Faith

7 Killed in Clash of 2 Families in Philippines

Dozens of Christians Killed in Plateau State, Nigeria

100 new language projects in Papua New Guinea

U.S. military jettisons bombs near Australia's Great Barrier Reef

Magnitude-6.9 quake rattles New Zealand

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