
Watchman Report 7/1/13


Are the Antichrist and the Madhi (Twelfth Imam) the Same?

Iran: Syrian crisis prelude to coming of Mahdi

Warning: Victory for Syrian rebels means regional war

Russia evacuates Tartus, also military, diplomatic personnel from Syria. High war alert in Israel

New Iran president thanks 'messiah' for victory; anticipates he will conquer for Islam, kill all infidels

Russia, Iran, China fork out $500m per month for Syrian war effort

US troop buildup in Jordan after Turkey shuts US-NATO arms corridor to Syrian rebels

'Israel's lobbying efforts to stop S-300 missiles shipment to Syria were not in vain'

China’s Challenge to Netanyahu

China state media blames Syria rebels for Xinjiang violence

Amid Calls for 'Holy War' Egypt Severs Diplomatic Relations with Syria

Iran secretly building in Port Sudan military supply base for Syria, Hizballah

The Contagious War—Syria’s Conflict Spreads to the Region

Israeli leaders rebut criticism of under-reacting to threats from Syria by hinting at covert operations

Syrian Christians caught in crossfire

Secret Believers Share Faith under Fire

How mass protests around the globe have become the 'new social network'

Club Of Rome Founder Proposed “Global Matrix” Of Manufactured Consent

The 441 Trillion Dollar Interest Rate Derivatives Time Bomb

China's cash squeeze raises fears of global economic slowdown

The Move Toward Becoming A Cashless Society

Almost half would prefer a biometric test over other forms of payment, survey suggests

Israel's biometric database to begin operating in two weeks

Apple fingerprint scanner patent hints biometric scanner on iPhone 5S

U.S. Congress Spending Tax Dollars on a National ID

Israel's biometric database to begin operating in two weeks

The Current Hal Lindsey Report

Biblical history comes alive with new augmented reality app Architip

Why Is a Rare Carved Column From ‘Biblical Times’ Being Kept Quiet?

Canadian Ex-Defence Minister, Paul Hellyer, Believes In Aliens

UK politician claims to have fathered alien child

An alien with a robot escort in a park near Voronezh, Russia

Extraterrestrial - Google helps locate alien structures

The Tunguska Event of 1908

Alien 'Star Engine' Detectable in Exoplanet Data?

Autopsy of an Alien found after a Flying Saucer crash in 1969

Animated GIF to be beamed into space

Height 611 UFO incident, Dalnegorsk, January 29, 1986

First message sent to planet Gliese 526, 17.6 light-years away

The M-triangle around the village of Molebka

PM Medvedev said that aliens are among us

"The Great Attractor"--Is Something is Pulling Our Region of the Universe Towards a Colossal Unseen Mass?

Paranoid about passwords? Just take a pill

Students play video game with their minds

Surge in 'digital dementia'

Can Wi-Fi let you see people through walls?

So It Begins: DARPA Sets Out to Make Computers That Can Teach Themselves

Computerized brain made of GPUs could be the future of artificial intelligence

The Secret Army Capable of Launching Devastating Cyberattacks

Big Brother's Three Hundred Million Man Army

Foxconn to speed up 'robot army' deployment

When Sentient Artificial Intelligence Becomes Reality

There'll Be Nowhere to Hide When These Robot Apes Take to the Trees

A Humanoid Robot that is Better Coordinated than You

Newly developed micro robot bird able to perform reconnaissance, surveillance

Here come the real Terminators

The men trying to save us from the machines

Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale

How are humans going to become extinct?

Bizarre 500-Million-Year-Old Creature Unearthed

Mormonism, Transhumanism, and Freemasonry

Immortality by 2035?

The superhuman cometh

Tech bringing immortality closer, Google expert says

We'll be uploading our entire MINDS to computers by 2045 and our bodies will be replaced by machines within 90 years, Google expert claims

A Transhumanist’s Journey To Becoming Gods, Angels, and Ghosts

The future of robotics: in a transhuman world, the disabled will be the ones without prosthetic limbs

'Don't touch my junk DNA!' says gene signal sequence

Analysis of Introduced Species as a Form of Biological Weapon: Part 1-Theory and Approaches

Ancient DNA mapped from 700,000-year-old horse

Animal-Human ‘Chimera’ Embryo Experiments To Be Given ‘OK’ By Japan’s Regulatory Panel

New frontiers in posthumous reproduction

Mouse Cloned from Drop of Blood

The Science and Ethics of Stem Cells From Human Cloning

Genetic Tampering, Modern and Ancient

Oxford University Professor: Atheism is a 'delusion'

Plants use "sophisticated arithmetic calculation" to control overnight food supplies

The future of food: insects, GM rice and edible packaging are on the menu

Environment Minister: UK must become global leader on GM crops

The Frankenfood Conspiracy

Ten years later: A new push for genetic modification

GMO Food Toxins Linked To Anemia And Other Blood Disorders

Approval for DNA splicing triggers legal action based on GM fears

Mystery Bee Kill: Causes Being Sought

Scientists warn against complacency on deadly H7N9 bird flu

“The Vatican lobby threat goes beyond sexual orientation”

Vatican monsignor arrested in 20M euro plot

Missing nuclear material may pose attack threat: IAEA

Congress wakes up to cataclysmic EMP threat

State makes it law to harden grid against EMP

Scientist and wife plead guilty to espionage involving nuclear weapons

Earthquake Could Cause Los Alamos Plutonium Facility to Collapse

US state on alert after nuclear waste leak

New York Imam: Working Towards Sharia for America

Tea party called 'top terror threat' in U.S.

My Country 'Tis of Thee: Evangelicals Score Highest on Patriotism

Security expert: Churches should train to 'shoot the guy,' not throw chairs

Taking Action: State Initiatives to Combat Islamism in the U.S.

American power in the 21st century will be defined by the ‘rise of the rest’

Artificial Abundance, Moral Hazard and the Federal Reserve's Doomsday Machine

“The excess fiscal drag on the horizon comes almost entirely from rising taxes”

Local Governments Reeling Under ObamaCare Costs

100 days to 'biggest ever' heath insurance open-enrollment season

Obama’s climate change plan masks hidden agenda

Civil Unrest: Does This Sound Familiar?

Stakelbeck on Terror: First Amendment Under Fire

NSA Whistleblower: NSA Spying On – and Blackmailing – Top Government Officials and Military Officers

Blackout: Defense Department Blocks All Articles About NSA Leaks From 'Millions' of Computers

Wikileaks founder says Snowden info will keep getting published

Senators urge Obama to get tough on Russia, Ecuador over Snowden

PRISM Is Just Part Of A Much Larger, Scarier Government Surveillance Program

President Obama’s Dragnet

Mysterious privacy board touted by Obama has deep government ties

Indefinite Surveillance: Say Hello to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014

Government could use metadata to map your every move

Poking Holes in Genetic Privacy

Congress demands progress on advanced ID cards

Senate Passes Bill Requiring Biometric Exit System At Airports

Immigration Bill's National ID System Raises Fears of Abuse

Something is Wrong

High court agrees to hear Obama recess appointments case

Orrin Hatch: Think the IRS Is Bad Now? Just Wait.

Gun owner targeted with 'no-knock' raid

A White Horse

Federal judge rules Jesus statue can remain on Montana mountain

Cruz urges First Baptist Dallas to defend Christian principles

Great Passion Play back in black, at least for 2013 season

DOJ Defunds Youth Programs that Reference God

Atheists unveil monument by Ten Commandments

Battle rages in military over religious rights

Student nearly loses academic career for mentioning God

How Should Christians Respond to a Growing Hostility?

The Defense of Marriage

Chick-fil-A CEO: 'Founding Fathers Would Be Ashamed' of Supreme Court Ruling

Obama To Force All Churches To Perform Gay Marriages?

Justice Kennedy denies request to halt gay marriages in California

Gay pride parades draw huge crowds after marriage rulings

Gay Activists Set Sights on Next States to Target

Utah polygamist family celebrating DOMA ruling, saying it could help in plural marriage cases

Rand Paul suggests gay-marriage ruling a step closer to human-animal unions

The end of 'ex-gay' conversion therapy

Covert Agenda: US Didn't Become Pro-Gay Overnight

Rep. Michael Burgess Says 15-Week-Old Male Fetuses Pleasure Themselves

Finally some good news: Appeals Court sides with Hobby Lobby

Texas lawmakers brace for intense special session, as abortion debate resumes

Planned Parenthood heavily promoting Obamacare, prepares to reap taxpayer dollars

State's Funds Offer 'Real Alternatives' to Abortion

Final contraceptive mandate rule provides no relief for religious nonprofits

Pro-lifers win the day in NY

Fed Bill to Legalize (and Fund?) Human Cloning

Euthanasia only 'limited' for now

80% Of Pre-Packaged Foods In American Grocery Stores Banned In Other Countries

Marijuana's March Toward Mainstream Confounds Feds

Fast-moving Arizona wildfire leaves 19 firefighters dead, destroys more than 200 homes

Death Valley temps at least tie record as heat wave brings triple-digit highs across West

Tropical Storm Dalila Forms in Pacific off Mexico

A More Secular Europe, Divided by the Cross

1-in-4 European Jews targeted by anti-Semites

Europeans Voice Anger Over Reports of Spying by U.S. on Its Allies

Coverup? A Second Muslim Beheading in Britain

Church of England to blend Christianity with Paganism to attract spiritualists

Anti-Islamization Activists Barred from England

God of death statue starts spinning on its own in UK museum

In Sweden, abortion rates jump despite plentiful supply of Plan B pill

Croatia joins European Union amid mixed response

Evidence of Rome's Jerusalem Siege Unearthed

Ancient Roman road exposed in Jerusalem

Unemployment Down Again in Israel

The Fight for Prayer at the Temple Mount Intensifies

Israel planning to raze Al-Aqsa to build ‘second temple’

Almost half Israeli Arabs believe Palestine will eventually replace Israel

Poll: Most Israelis Don't Believe Peace is Possible

Kerry fails in bid for Israeli-Palestinian summit

Palestinian terrorists open fire on Israeli bus

Cleaning Up Gaza

Israel deploys Iron Dome missile system near Haifa

Ron Paul on Syria: This Is How Vietnam and Iraq Started

Nasserist-nationalist, anti-US slogans unexpectedly dominate anti-Morsi protests in Cairo

Egypt court rules legislature is illegal

10 dead in Egypt clashes, over a million join protest

Egypt's Bible Burning Cleric Sentenced to 11 Years

Archbishop of Canterbury tells Egypt's Christians not to fear

Saudi King issues decree changing days of weekend in kingdom

Two wounded in attack on Baghdad church

Algeria's Protestants want their churches back

Naghmeh Abedini: 'God, Not Iran, Will Free Saeed'

Attacks Kill Dozens In Pakistan

Bomb Attacks Kill 43 People in Pakistan

India: Police distance themselves from religious motive in murder of Christian

Christian Aid launches India floods appeal

Dissertation at Hong Kong university raises alarm over China's abortion policy

China media warns Philippines of 'counterstrike' in South China Sea

North Korea nuclear test still shrouded in mystery

Russia to hold talks with N. Korea about ending its nuclear program

Cyber attack hits South Korea websites

Gunmen free 175 prisoners in Nigeria jailbreak

Is conflict in Nigeria really about persecution of Christians by radical Muslims?

Tanzanian Christians to Obama: 'Please Speak Out'

Christians fare badly in one of world’s most oppressive countries

Obama pays tribute to Mandela during South Africa trip

Obama sees no threat in China rivalry for Africa business

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