
Watchman Report 1/21/13

The Antichrist Doctrine

Russia Building Toward Military Dominance

China's space activities raising U.S. satellite security concerns

'History will not forgive those who do not stop Iran'

Obama prepares public to accept first Iranian nuclear test

Iran says it won’t stop uranium enrichment ‘for a moment’

Iran sends monkeys into space – so can place nukes anywhere on earth

A World Without America

American isolationism: Obama’s unfolding signature policy

Drones with Guns
(Caution: Some foul language used in this video)

Is Heaven in a Parallel Universe?

The USA is collecting the DNA of world leaders and reportedly protecting Obama's DNA

Scientists Discover How to Identify People From ‘Anonymous’ Genomes

Bible translators target smallest language people groups

The Shroud of Turin

Rumblings of Dictatorship

Poll: Seeds of tyranny present in America

Supreme Court Opens Door to Obama Eligibility Challenge on February 15th

Secession movement just needs 'more oxygen'

Gun Control: Obama Declares War on Bitter Clingers, Hollywood Gets a Pass

GOP Congressman Threatens Impeachment if Obama Uses Executive Action for Gun Control

47 states revolt against Obama gun control

State officials warn White House against enforcing new gun regulations

Texas to Join Wyoming: Felony Charges for Enforcing New Gun Control

Responsible Homeowner Stops Thief With A Shotgun

Texas AG to New York gun owners: Come to Texas, and bring your guns with you

'Obama has dramatically overshot'

CBS News' Bob Schieffer Compares Defeating NRA to Defeating Nazis

Property Rights Case Before Supreme Court

Debacle in Ben­ghazi: It’s worse than an injustice; it’s a humiliation

EPA's release of documents related to email aliases criticized as 'deeply troubling'

Minority Report has arrived: Maryland and Pennsylvania using computers to predict future crimes

Netanyahu invited to address CPAC

Obama's debt ceiling hypocrisy

GOP's No Budget, No Pay Bill to Go Before Congress

Federal Reserve Bank President Says, “We Must Inflate 24 x 7”

Panetta Authorizes DoD Hiring Freezes, Furlough Plans

The Challenges Ahead

Public School Teaches “White Privilege” Class

Evangelical coalition seeks deal for illegal immigrants

Does scripture call for amnesty?

Jihad in America -- the chilling reality

Rep blasts federal program funding books on Islam

Author: I'm targeted by Muslim terrorists

Public School Bans Religious Visitors

Satanists grateful for student prayers?

Obama’s Hypocritical Religious Freedom Proclamation

An Inauguration to Make George Orwell Proud

Gay-Affirming Episcopal Pastor to Replace Giglio at Inauguration

Atheist Group to Hand Out Hate Literature at Schools

Teacher Fired for Giving Student Bible

Obama re-nominates pro-abortion, pro-homosexual Judge Kayatta

Same-sex ‘marriage,’ marijuana - now mandatory abortion insurance?

Hagel Promises Abortion for Servicewomen, Changes 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Stance

Gen. Colin Powell Shocks Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage Community

Californians against LGBT curriculum underrepresented

AUL’s 2013 Life List Details Historic Progress for Life-Affirming Legislation

Alabama Supreme Court Recognizes Unborn as Persons in Landmark Ruling

TX deals Planned Parenthood another blow

Israel Helps Haiti with Medical Care & Agriculture

Widow of Murdered Evangelist in Colombia Killed After Threats

Guatemala's president: 'My country bears the scars from the war on drugs'

After a century without the disease, Cuba fights to contain cholera

Some Uruguayan Doctors Refuse to Perform Abortions Despite Law

Why Is the Vatican Criticizing European Religious Freedom Victories?

Britain to drift out of European Union without reforms: PM

Court ruling makes Christian employees 'second class'

Why a British Muslim of Pakistani Origin Defends Israel

Thousands in Ireland Hold Vigil for 'Pro-Life Promise'

Eiffel Tower Sees Massive Gay Marriage Protest

German Catholic Church Shuts Priest Sex-Abuse Hotline

Bulgaria Gun Attack: Turkish Politician Escapes

Rally in Athens against Greece's Neo-Fascist Golden Dawn Party

Israel's Most Important Issues of 2013

Israel museum to exhibit reconstructed tomb in world's first exhibition on biblical King Herod

Discovery of Ancient Pitcher Indicates that Biblical Shiloh Was Burned

Israel Surrounded by Enemies

Obama: Israel Doesn't Know What's Best for Israel

Netanyahu to Obama: ‘Only Israel’s Citizens Decide’

Arab Views on Israel's Election

Israeli Parliament Prepares for Record Influx of Orthodox Lawmakers

Rabbis seek protection for Jewish worshippers in Bethlehem

Netanyahu vows he won’t demolish settlements in next term

Israeli Messianic congregation building burned down

Messianic Victims of Jewish Terror Respond to Conviction

Dempsey: U.S. can’t stop Syrian chemical weapon attack

Russia ‘Flexes Muscles’ in Mediterranean Amid Syrian Crisis

Morsi’s jihadist views revealed

Egyptian court sentences Christian family to 15 years for converting from Islam

Thousands oppose weapons deal with Morsi’s Egypt

Coptic Christians Fleeing Egypt as Islamism Rises

Church building destroyed in Egypt

American Pastor Facing Hanging for His Faith Speaks From Prison

Afghans to Take Mission Lead in Spring

Pakistan Supreme Court Lets Persecuted Teen Walk Free

Odierno: South Korea Ready to Control Wartime Forces

Russia Ready to Back North Korea Resolution - UN envoy

All crew leave US Navy ship stuck in Philippines

Dark uncertainty over more than scores of Algerian gas field hostages

Al Qaeda offers to swap 2 US hostages for 2 jailed terrorists

Islamists executed 9 Japanese in Algeria: witnesses

France in Mali fights the unfinished Libyan War

US May Provide Airlift for French Mali Ops

Partnering for Christ in Kenya, South Sudan

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