
Watchman Report 10/22/12

The Gospel in the Stars

UN warns of looming worldwide food crisis in 2013

UN agency funded with Saudi money wants to edit worldwide textbooks

The Hal Lindsey Report: 10/19/2012

Indigenous people help translators make Bible available

New Record Set For Military Drones Flying At Once

Angels and Giants

Stocks log worst day since June

Pope names new saints including Native American

Mystery ground shaking rattles South Jersey

Moderate 5.3 earthquake shakes central California

Russia drops a bombshell on U.S. nuclear safeguard plan and few notice

White House orders spy agencies to share cyberthreat intel with companies

Argo: An October Surprise

America's most important election

Election 2012: Decision time

How would the Apostle Paul vote?

The truth about the Benghazi attacks

The second debate

The commotion surrounding CNN’s Crowley

An interruption that tells a bigger tale

Libya attack brings up questions about U.S. security

Administration 'absolutely lying' about Libya attack

Voting with the Kingdom in mind

Lee Iacoca Endorses Romney for President

Evangelical leader considers Romney’s Mormonism

People increasingly convinced to leave Democratic Party

Is Obama the 'wrong' kind of Christian?

Betrayal of Israel by liberal Jews

Congressmen want answers re: officer’s disciplinary actions

Sharia and Freedom

More pro-marijuana conservatives

Elderly Widow Told Not to Pray in Public Housing Complex

Judge agrees -- commissioners can pray

US Jews cancel talks with Protestants over Israel

Mainline Churches vs. Israel

Bible-believing Episcopal penalized

Another diocese leaves US Episcopal Church

Gallup survey: LGBT community is only about 3.4 percent of U.S. population

Poll: PCUSA Members Increasingly Favoring Same-Sex Marriage

Bar association for 'gay marriage'

Genderless marriages and genderless bathrooms?

Rallies planned to fight Obama mandate

Judge Blocks Brewer's Bid to Bar Funding to Planned Parenthood

Abortion-related emergencies on the rise nationwide

A Game Changer for the Abortion Debate

Abortion has a higher cost than unwanted babies

Colombia: Farc kills five in first attack during talks

Two more Germans held over Dominican Republic 'sect' shootout

Canadian official takes anti-Catholic, pro-abortion stance

Canada blocks $5.2 billion Petronas bid for Progress Energy

Europe could be plunged into war if the euro collapses, says Cable as he warns of 'awful' consequences

British National Party leader Nick Griffin says he is prepared to go to jail for Christians

Nurses, cleaners, librarians: UK austerity marchers challenge government cuts

Atheist boy refused membership in Scouts

Putin flexes muscle in big test of Russia's nuclear arsenal

How Obama and friends helped 'advance' the Middle East

Rebuffing EU, Netanyahu says ‘no limits’ on Jerusalem construction

EU, France and UK condemn construction plan for southern Jerusalem

Navy seizes Gaza-bound Finnish ship

Low voter turnout hurts Fatah in first Palestinian elections in six years

Obama to Israel: Iran is piling up fissile material for 4-6 bombs - in Natanz too

Home Front Command holds national earthquake drill

Israel ‘rattled’ as country drills for massive earthquake, attack from the air

Report: 70% of buildings may collapse during strong quake

U.S., Israel Will Practice Shooting Down Iran’s Missiles (And Denying They’re Iran’s)

Syria, Iran, Hizballah attack while US and Israel play computerized war games

Israel Reports First Use of Surface-to-Air Missile by Gaza Terrorists

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood party elects new leader

Brotherhood Muslim leader makes troubling claims

New poll: Egyptians turning toward Iran, want nuclear weapons

Jordan says it foils Al Qaeda-linked terror plot to attack shopping malls, Western diplomatic missions

New W. intelligence: Syrian rebels don’t have the numbers to win

At least 13 dead in Damascus Old City explosion

'Hezbollah is part of Assad's killing machine,' say US officials

Iran’s global cyber war-room is secretly hosted by Hizballah in Beirut

Anger erupts as Lebanon mourns Beirut bomb victims

White House Immediately Calls Bombing in Beirut 'Terrorist Attack'

Lebanese PM connects car bomb to previous plots

Saudi diplomat kidnapped in Yemen asks king for help

Turkey says voluntary power transfer in Syria is impossible

Russian S-400s relocated near Turkey. Hizballah shifts units, rockets into Syria

Iran: Israel can expect 100s more UAV infiltrations

Iran: New Long-Range Drone Can Carry a Bomb

All of Iran’s advanced enrichment centrifuges now removed to Fordo

Iran oil tankers sail under Zanzibar flag to bypass sanctions

Obama-Khamenei summit would cap long back-channel dialogue

White House denies US, Iran agreed to 1-on-1 talks

Pastor released, but religious persecution released

More house church members arrested in Iran

Karzai: Afghanistan Ready to Take Over Security

Pakistan sends girl shot by Taliban to UK for care

Over 2,000 Jews pray for girl shot by Taliban

Bangladesh mutiny: 723 border guards jailed

India Pledges Millions for Global Biodiversity

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