Zion: the Rock
Headlines backing up millennia-old prophecies...Russia,
Iran, Libya, Turkey all rallying against Israel
'No More Israel'
Think Tank: Path to Iran Nuke Warhead 2-4 Months
Spreading Iranian cyber attacks hit Israeli military, US
financial and Gulf oil targets
Israel developing ‘digital Iron Dome’ to guard against
Report: Iran leading cyberwar against US
US prepares first-strike cyber-forces
Experts Warn US Vulnerable to Cyber 'Pearl Harbor'
Western defense budget cuts may be unstoppable
Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?
The Hal Lindsey Report: 10/12/2012
Muslim Trafficking Networks Target Coptic Women
Colonel’s class on radical Islam leaves career in limbo
Author Calls Coexistence with Radical Islam a 'Myth'
IMF says public debt in developed countries at ‘wartime
IMF Projects Weaker World Economy in 2013
New software uses smartphone camera for spying
Big Brother? School District Tracks Kids with RFID
Pro-Life Group Condemns Nobel Prize Award to Stem Cell
Tropical Storm Paul strengthens in Pacific
Severe thunderstorms, tornadoes threaten central states
Tropical Storm Rafael moves over Caribbean Sea
CDC says one new death from meningitis; number of cases
at 197
Growing Chinese Telecoms Threaten US Security
October Surprise? Obama secret Iran deal cut
Where's the rest of the media?
Proverbs 29:9 Used to Describe Joe Biden During VP
Debate; RNC Issues Ad
"If a wise man goes to court with a fool, the fool rages and scoffs, and there is no peace."--Proverbs 29:9 (NIV)
Biden Draws Fire for 'Disrespectful' Debate Style
Biden's debate 'facts' prompt White House clarifications
Romney and Obama: What they believe
A Powerful Video from a Former Obama Supporter
1979 article ties 'Obama's real father' to Saudi
BOMBSHELL: No Wonder Obama Bowed to the Saudis – They
Likely Funded Him at Harvard
Obama didn't join Wright's church to follow Jesus
Megachurch pastor Tony Evans criticizes Democratic
positions on family and Republican spirit on limited government
Black actress derided for supporting Romney
Shot fired at Obama campaign office in Denver
As Election Day nears, Romney crowds are surging
Evangelist Billy Graham meets Mitt Romney
Graham to Romney: I'll Do All I Can to Help You'
Jewish group urges White House to cut ties with Cairo
US church calls to reevaluate military aid to Israel
Ryan, Romney hit administration's China policy in Ohio
campaign stops
Atlanta Archdiocese Sues over Birth Control Mandate
Regent Univ. Challenges Birth Control Mandate
University official 'villianized' for conservative
Wash. Fire Captain Sacked over 'Religious' Emails
Fight for Santa Monica nativity scenes ongoing
Postal Service Unveils 'Holy Family' Stamp
Protestants lack majority in U.S. for first time in
history, study says
Nudists insist they have a right to public exposure
Survey: Obama Finds Support From Porn Industry
Prostitute patrons can't hide their faces anymore
LGBT Primetime Trend Reflective of Society?
Abortion a major issue for voters this year
Silent Minority: Pro-Life Democrats the Party Stepchild?
Abortionists Challenge Late-Term Abortion Ban in Arizona
Doctors maintain unborn babies feel pain
Romney Pledges to End Planned Parenthood Funding
Taxpayers still paying to 'destroy human life'
Alaska Court: Parents Need to Know About Teen Abortions
Christians Fearful After Chavez Re-election
U.S. Rethinks a Drug War After Deaths in Honduras
Critics Scoff as EU Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Bishop urges Government to support marriage
Belfast Opens Door for Legalized Mass Baby Murder
UK Christians defend believers of other faiths
Turkish Mega Mosque in Germany Sparks Controversy
Spirit-Filled Immigrants Bring Revival to Germany
Netherlands: euthanasia out of control
Russian Soldier, 3 Insurgents Slain in Dagestan
For jobless Palestinians, Israel offers hope
IAF kills top Gaza al-Qaida leader; rockets fall on
Israel's south
War Games: Hezbollah Says It Sent Drone Over Israel
'Drone beamed images of plans for joint Israel-US drill'
Hezbollah drone proves Tehran’s capabilities, says
Iranian defense minister
Egypt's liberals, Islamists clash: 110 reported injured
Egypt Christians Protest Maspero Coptic Massacre
Al Qaeda leader Zawahiri calls for more Mohammad film
Confusion or Coverup: What we knew about the Benghazi
attack and when we knew it.
Jordan's King Abdullah swears in caretaker government
U.S. Military Is Sent to Jordan to Help With Crisis in
Rights Group: Syria Using Cluster Bombs
Ministry helping Christians, Muslims in war-torn Syria
Christian Pastor Exposes Truth About Syria
Turkey's army on high state of readiness, first step for
Syria no-fly zone
Turkish F16s force Syrian flight from Moscow to land.
Ankara: Syrian air space no longer safe
NATO Ready to Defend Turkey
Horrors of war: US, UK munitions ‘cause birth defects in
US sources: US, Israel plan October Surprise. Others:
Israel can do it alone
Dangerous developments for Rimsha Masih
Taliban Gun Down Girl Who Spoke Up for Rights
The Malala moment: Tens of thousands rally in Pakistan
for girl shot by Taliban
Over 100 militants attack Pakistani police station
Indonesian Pays Steep Price for Converting to Christ
Advancing Globalization Makes its Mark in North Korea
Where next for China as the new generation of leaders
take power?
China's yuan hits record high amid US pressure
China: House Church Raided, Four Christians Detained
UN Passes Mali Resolution
Mauritania head Abdelaziz flies to France after shooting
Confirmed: 24 Killed in Kaduna State Attack – Police
Somalia: Two Dead As Army and Al Shabab Battle Near
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