
Watchman Report 10/25/16

What could go wrong?
Read about it here: https://goo.gl/OUgLpW

The Ark of the Covenant as "a radio for talking to god"? Possibly a blasphemous vision for a computer.

Sukkot: End times expert says the sukkah is deeply connected to the coming of the Messianic age.

UNESCO recently passed a resolution that denies any Jewish historic claim to the Temple Mount and other holy sites in Jerusalem.

When Hispanic-American pastors from around the country met in the nation’s capital last week, the main issue on their agenda was Israel.

Italy shutting down mosques. Muslims protesting. Go figure...

The U.N. banned news organization from attending global warming summit because they're skeptics.

Forget the consequences. This company wants to tinker with God's Creation regardless. 

Mumbai's investing in the field of active genetics, enabling scientists to rapidly and accurately introduce genetic changes in organisms.

Apple employs world-leading artificial intelligence guru from a university which famously taught computers to “defeat humans”. 

The NSA has potentially even more access to much more phone data than before.

Police zapping suspects from the sky with drones carrying stun guns?  

Half of all American adults are already in some sort of facial recognition network accessible to law enforcement.

Russia reveals biggest ever nuke missile "Satan 2". Powerful enough to destroy Texas with a single strike.

Russia parliament suspends a plutonium accord with the U.S. that bound the two sides to dispose of surplus plutonium originally intended for use in nuclear weapons. 

The Saudis and Chinese dumped their treasuries. Foreign central banks liquidates a record $346 billion in U.S, paper.

Russia says if the U.S. wants war 'you will get one everywhere’.

Are the Russians mapping undersea internet cables? Sounds like war prepping to me.

The East/West tension is about money. 

German tanks are once again advancing on Russia’s border. 

Google executive working directly with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. 

Intelligence expert: Hillary Clinton’s sending of U.S. intelligence information to her campaign chair’s unsecured email address is “unquestionably” an operations security violation. 

In case you were wondering...Hillary Clinton is a threat to traditional Christianity.

Ever wondered why so many top news organizations are favorable to Crooked Hillary and nearly always hostile to Donald Trump?

Yeah, that's working...NOT! U.S. city with the strictest gun control laws recorded its largest mass shooting since 2014.  

Dr. James Dobson calls for civil disobedience against a law in California which requires pregnancy centres to inform women about abortion services that are publicly funded.

60% of those polled by Gallup this month supported legalization of marijuana. One decade ago, those numbers were just 35%.

"After School Satan Club" may be coming to a grade school near you if these folks get their way.

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