
Watchman Report 6/17/13

Understanding the End Times 
Vatican-Alien Connection

Imminent: Israel's Capitulation to the Vatican

Iran, Vatican Keen to Deepen Bilateral Relations

Pope Francis admits presence of 'gay lobby' in Vatican

The Spirit of Petrus

Watchers 6

Astrobiologists find Martian clay contains chemical implicated in the origin of life

Distantly Orbiting Alien World May Challenge Planet-Formation Theories

Search for Alien Life --Detecting Hidden Earth-Like Planets

Ailing NASA Telescope Spots 503 New Alien Planet Candidates

Asteroid miners' crowdfunded space telescope may hunt for alien planets

Did Chinese plane have mid-air crash with UFO?

New Kind of Dark Matter Could Form 'Dark Atoms'

Solar Activity Cycle Peaks In 2013: More Solar Flares Expected Later This Year

Solar storm could leave world without power 'for months'

Huge Earth-Passing Asteroid an 'Entirely New Beast'

The Current Hal Lindsey Report

7 Totally Unexpected Outcomes That Could Follow the Singularity

Is the Motorola Electronic Tattoo the Feared Mark of the Beast?

The National Biometric ID Card: The Mark of the Beast?

All-in-one biometric tool combines facial, card and fingerprint scanning

One step closer to implantable chips

These Unresolved Ethical Questions Are About to Get Real

Biometric payments are top option for security-concious shoppers, survey finds

DNA Ruling Raises Science Concerns

MIT and Wilson Center receive NSF grant to develop synthetic biology research agenda

The eighth wonder: developments in synthetic biology

Aircraft Carriers Could Manufacture Weapons on the Go

Darpa Robotics Challenge: the search for the perfect robot soldier

Is this the ultimate bird of prey?: 'Robo-Raven' so realistic it could become a weapon of war

Google Launches Balloons to Bring the Internet to Remote Regions

Human-Scale Invisibility Cloak Unveiled

How Spies May One Day Predict The Future

End Times ‘Left Behind’ Movie Reboot Could Reach Millions With Biblical Theology

Fertility Clinic Floats Idea of Human Cloning for Infertility

The New Prostitution: Surrogate Pregnancy

Gender-based violence 'wielded mercilessly' in Muslim countries

Vaccine Injured Children Used as Lab Rats

Another 1930s Dust Bowl Drought Possible This Century

Main Core: A List Of Millions Of Americans That Will Be Subject To Detention During Martial Law

Obama to Ignore Senate, Sign 2nd Amendment-Violating UN Gun Treaty

The Totalitarianism at the Heart of the Obama Scandals

Is President Obama...Wagging the Dog??

IRS’ mysterious urgent purchase order for spying equipment

IRS scandals threaten funding for ObamaCare

New ID rules would threaten citizens' rights

Sen. Rand Paul's Lonely Crusade Against NSA Spying

Americans starting to realize their paranoid fantasies about government surveillance have come true

Facebook, Microsoft disclose information on user data requests

Web companies begin releasing surveillance information after U.S. deal

Is Our Guardian Angel Becoming Lucifer?

U.S. Pushes Agencies to Free Up Spectrum

Secret NSA mind reading at U.S. university?

Spying on DNA, Verizon, and free will

NSA memo pushed to 'rethink' 4th Amendment

Tin Foil Hat Media, Big Brother, And the Myth of Conspiracy "Theory"

White House defends high bills for Africa trip

Evidence of GMO harm in pig study

Human Genes Engineered Into Experimental GMO Rice Being Grown in Kansas

NGOs Target Financial Investment in Farmland

IRS Becomes 'Belief Police,' Tells Nonprofit to Keep Faith to Itself

Mosques Excluded from Government Surveillance

ACLJ Flooded With New IRS Discrimination Cases

We double-dare you, IRS: Pastors sign up, preach politics on 'Freedom Sunday'

New House bill promises to help Israel combat existential threats

DOJ regards criticism of Islam, Obama as criminal?

Rand Paul: Your Taxes Fund Regimes That Kill Christians 'for Blasphemy Against Islam’

Obama Administration 'Strongly' Opposes Religious Freedom in the Military

At issue: Hostility toward ‘anything religious’ in the U.S. Air Force

Religious Freedom Ambassador 'No Show' at Hearing

US High School Recites Pledge In Arabic: “One Nation Under Allah”

Texas Mega-Church Leader Partners with Muslim Brotherhood Front

Court slams door on atheists’ attack on public prayer

Alleged Nazi SS Commander Found Living in Minnesota

Atheist group sues California city over planned war monument

TV Nudity Is Increasingly Being Rated Acceptable For Kids

Southern Baptists Condemn Boy Scouts' 'Ungodly' Policy on Gays

Obama Administration Leading LGBT Affirmative Action Campaign

Gender-swapping 'bathroom bill' passes senate committee in California

Will Supreme Court's Ruling on Sodomy Laws Reflect on Gay Marriage Stance?

Pro-‘gay’ provision submerged in massive education bill

Nursery Worker Teaches Toddler About Gay Marriage

Religion analyst: Homosexual bishop will hurt ELCA even more

Obama administration says it will allow all girls to have morning-after pill access

Pro-abortion Pelosi asked 'simple' question about the unborn: 'What's the difference?'

Supreme Court Denies Gruesome Abortion Image Case

Abortionist’s assets seized, pro-lifers celebrate

Texas governor adds pro-life bills to special session

US Supreme Court says human DNA cannot be patented but artificially copied DNA can be claimed as intellectual property

Police: 1 dead, 7 hurt in 2nd La. plant blast

2 dead, 473 homes lost as firefighters gain edge on Colorado fire

McMinnville tornado confirmed by National Weather Service

Eastern Storm Causes Death and Destruction

Strong Earthquake Reported Off Nicaragua Coast

Lost medieval city found in Cambodia

EU Gone Bad: Islam, Tribalism & Economic Crisis

GCHQ intercepted foreign politicians' communications at G20 summits

Queen Elizabeth Pulled Into Gay Marriage Debate

Sweden Grants Iran Christian Reza Jabbari Asylum

Children would have 'right to die' in Belgium under amended euthanasia laws

Czech Faith Groups Get Billions for Seized Property

Boston Bomb Trail: Answers in Russia's Islamist South

Russia sees ends to U.S. row as Jewish texts moved to museum

The Mind of Israel

Despite secrecy, interest builds around mysterious First Temple find outside Bethlehem

Researchers find underwater monument in Sea of Galilee

Stakelbeck on Terror Show: Agricultural Jihad Against Israel

Ashton to arrive to a J'lem increasingly upset by EU

Ya'alon: Kerry peace move has failed so far; Arab League initiative is 'spin'

Senior PA Official: ALL of Israel is Occupied Palestine

Professors: Stop calling Israel an occupier

Washington rebukes Israel over plans to build new settlement homes

PA objects to Israel's Western Wall plans

Summer camp in Gaza: Kids learn to abduct Israelis

Focus on Syria

Syria becomes multi-national war

Syrian Forces, Rebels Have Israel in the Crosshairs

The Golan Brigade

Hizballah units near Golan. Some receive “limited-use” chemical arms

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad

Syrian jets pound rebel-held areas of Damascus

U.S. considers no-fly zone after Syria crosses nerve gas 'red line'

Russia: US no-fly zone over Syria would be illegal

Kerry: Syria's use of chemical weapons jeopardizes political solution

Joint US-Israeli contingency plan: '18 chemical targets in Syria'

Unspecified US weapons for Syrian rebels, but no intervention to save Aleppo

Report: US to supply Syrian rebels with guns, ammo, anti-tank weapons

'Foolish' to arm Syrian rebels, says terrorism expert

Syrian Army Takes Damascus Suburb Near International Airport

Iran to send 4,000 troops to aid President Assad forces in Syria

Gulf begins mass expulsion of Lebanese Shiites over Hizballah’s role in Syria

Egypt and the Nile

Egyptian president cuts all diplomatic ties with Syria

Egypt’s presidency says it citizens free to fight in Syria as Sunni clerics call for jihad

Hot Mic Catches Egyptian Politician Discussing ‘War’ with ‘Enemies’ Israel and America

Christian teacher convicted of blasphemy in Egypt

Turkish forces clear Istanbul park

Separate attacks kill 32 people across Iraq

Israeli PM warns of another Holocaust from Iran

Iran eyes 30 nuclear bombs a year: Israel minister

Iran, the United States and 'the cup of poison'

Iran nuclear push, flashpoints role has west in a bind

Iran’s new, democratically elected president faces battle with Guards on nuclear issue

Netanyahu: Don't be fooled by Iran election

Syrian rebels call on new Iranian leader to drop Assad

Demonstrations at Iranian embassies worldwide for Pastor Saeed, religious freedom

Prayer Alert: Pastor Irani Imprisoned with Saeed

Christians watchful as Sharif returns to power in Pakistan

Separate attacks in Pakistan kill dozens, destroy national shrine

Pakistan violence: Gunmen storm Quetta hospital

India: Police distance themselves from religious motive in murder of Christian

Hundreds in Hong Kong protest NSA surveillance

China expert: U.S. folds as China expands in South China Sea

State news: North Korea proposes high-level talks with U.S.

'Sexless' Now Official Birth Certificate Status in Australia

5.6 Magnitude Earthquake – Macquarie Island Region on June 16, 2013

Tanzanian Pastor Attacked

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