
Watchman Report 5/20/13

The Psalm 83 War Prophecy
Will it soon be fulfilled?

Hezbollah steps up Syria battle, Israel threatens more strikes

Syrian-Hizballah’s capture of Qusayr opens direct weapons route to Lebanon

Iran Agents Training to Storm Israel's Border

Iran dispatches warship to shadow Gulf exercises

In a first, Syrian mortars hit Mount Hermon

Muddled Israeli-US policies on Assad set stage for Golan offensive against Israel

Canada PM slams world leaders for not supporting Israel

'Assad said Hezbollah may fight Israel from Golan'

Opposition: Syrian army, Hezbollah attack rebels in border town

Syrian rebels: Dozens hurt in chemical weapons attack in Damascus

Syrian rebels launch offensive in south to reverse losses

Al-Qaeda's Syrian wing takes over the oilfields once belonging to Assad

Netanyahu: We’ll continue to halt Syrian arms transfers

Israeli Official to Syria: Interference Will Prompt Israel to Retaliate

Ex-MI Head: Assad Will be 'Finished' if He Starts a War

UN Condemns Assad, Calls for 'Political Transition'

PM draws red lines in media, not on cartoon bombs

Russia Not to Tolerate Further Israeli Attacks on Damascus

Report: Syria aims half-ton warhead missiles at Tel Aviv

Netanyahu Firm on Syrian Threat to Tel Aviv

Russia sends 'killer' missiles to Syria to help Assad regime

Israel Hints at New Strikes, Warning Syria Not to Hit Back

Putin again warns Netanyahu hands off Syria

Unmoved by Israel, Russia will send top air-defense system to Assad

Syrian-Israeli war of words via Putin edges into Syrian-Hizballah war of attrition.

Russia sends at least 12 warships to Syria

Russia staffs Mediterranean fleet. Turkey weighs payback for Syrian bombings

Russia knows exactly what the fuss is about

A Moderate Palestinian

PA Official Supports Dropping Nuclear Bombs on Israel

Erdogan: Fatah must cooperate with Hamas for Mideast peace

Livni: Erdogan wrong to think Hamas can be part of peace process

Hamas confiscates rockets from Fatah's armed wing

Kerry to arrive in Israel to push for negotiations

Lapid calls for interim peace deal with Palestinians

A-G told IDF to remove remaining Migron homes

Palestinians, IDF, settlers clash across W. Bank

Russia and the Temple Mount

Desecrating Judaism in the name of God

Netanyahu: I'll Do Anything to Keep Israel Safe

UN: 3 peacekeepers abducted between Israel-Syria

The Unbelievers Plan to Rid the World of God

The Current Hal Lindsey Report

Zenith 2016

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

International Law and the New World Order: Redefining Sovereignty

Jerusalem to vie for 2019 UNSC seat despite Berlin bid

Vatican Preparing for 'Savior' from Outer Space?

Pope Francis elected after supernatural 'signs' in the Conclave, says Cardinal

Pope warns Church against closing in on itself

4 huge solar flares in 48 hours: What's going on with the sun?

Examining the Fatima “Miracle of the Sun”

Read the article here: http://www.logosapologia.org/?p=4968

Disc-Shaped UFO Captured Above Earth by NASA

Richard French, Ex-Air Force Lt. Colonel, 'It Was A UFO And...There Were Aliens Aboard It'

Alien Nation: Have Humans Been Abducted by Extraterrestrials?

Aliens in the oceans -- searching for life on the moons of Jupiter

'Einstein's Planet': New Alien World Revealed by Relativity

Search for E.T. Should Extend Beyond 'Alien Earths,' Astronomer Says

Vortex to another dimension reported

A Transhumanist Discusses “First Contact” with Super Intelligent Beings

Unethical Scientists are Making Human-Animal Hybrids, Again

Brace yourself for the human embryo market

Is it a slippery slope to cloning humans?

Scott Tilley: Cloning people is bound to happen

The specter of human cloning

Jurassic Generation

Scientist Proves DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies

Welcome to the Programmable World

Google quantum computer lab to study artificial intelligence

Is 2013 going to be the year of biometric security?

Thoughts on the New Cashless Society

"Big Brother" is big business?

New Discovery Hints at Unknown Fundamental Force in the Universe

Space rock strikes moon with force of 5 tons of TNT

Dark, massive asteroid to fly by Earth on May 31

Star Trek gadgets: Are they science fiction or could they be science fact?

Warp speed, Scotty? It may actually be possible...

A New ’Smart Rifle’ Decides When To Shoot And Rarely Misses

Christians in North Africa and Middle East 'under substantial threat'

'Truth Unlocked' Reveals Keys to Evangelizing Muslims

Have 8 Million Millennials Really Given Up on Christianity?

This is the end: Team of experts say humanity faces extinction

UN urges people to eat insects to fight world hunger

Monsanto CEO Sees Social Media Fanning Opponents’ ‘Elitism’

5 things to know about dangerous, SARS-like virus

Has Bible Prophet Just Been Echoed In NYC?

Terrorist Super-Axis to Strike within U.S.

Worst case EMP scenario? Half in U.S. dead

Pentagon Spec Ops Chief Sees ’10 to 20′ More Years of War Against al-Qaida

Muslim Plotted to Kill 100,000 in Chemical Attack

Middle Easterners caught trespassing at Boston reservoir

Remote Alaska volcano erupting with lava and ash

Four-state tornado outbreak kills 1

Deadly tornadoes highlight importance of disaster preparedness

Passengers bloodied after trains derail, collide in southwest Connecticut

Americans see Doom and Gloom in Future

The EPA’s Disturbing Human Experiments

Lawmakers eye regulating domestic surveillance drones

Senate panel approves bill to create national ID

Lawmakers Press for Answers on Ammo Stockpiling

Comcast says no to guns, yes to TV violence

Analysis: Once a beacon, Obama under fire over civil liberties

Boehner: Obama administration displaying 'remarkable arrogance'

Officials on Benghazi: "We made mistakes, but without malice"

White House fights and loses battle to withhold Benghazi records

Columnist: Hillary likely ‘a little nervous’ re: Benghazi scandal

Congressman: IRS asked pro-life group about 'the content of their prayers'

IRS official denies intentional political targeting, lying to Congress

Official at center of IRS scandal got promotion, now runs ‘Obamacare’ division

Soros' hand in the IRS scandal

Franklin Graham Calls IRS Probe of Ministry Finances ‘Un-American’

James Dobson Ministry Accuses IRS of Discrimination

ACLJ ready to take action against IRS

Flashback: Schumer, Franken urged IRS to target tea party in 2012

AP criticized for pointing finger at Dept. of Justice

Scandals prompt comparisons between Nixon, Obama administrations

After tough week, Obama tries to change the subject to jobs

How America Gains 600,000 New Christians Each Year—Without Evangelism

Switching Sides: Latinos Ditching Catholicism For Evangelical Churches

Amnesty plan 'far, far worse than ObamaCare'

Atheists Target Gideon Bibles at Georgia State Park Cabins

Georgia Gov. Deal orders Bibles returned to state-owned park

AARP contributes money for homosexual agenda

Minnesotans fear God's judgment over gay marriage

Crowd Led by Priests Attacks Gay Rights Marchers in Georgia

Restoring hope for homosexuals

Gay Agenda Wants Best-Selling Author Fired Over Religious Beliefs

Christian florist refuses to succumb to ‘intimidation’

Brown 'old enough to know' Calif. can't afford ObamaCare

Abortion: The Loss of Natural Affection

After 40,135 Abortions, Gosnell Brought to Justice

Late-term abortion needs more attention in NY

Another Gosnell? Photographic Evidence Reveals Abortion Atrocities in Texas

Horrors of late-term abortion continue in Albuquerque

Judge grants injunction in Ark. abortion ban case

Vermont close to becoming 4th state to allow doctors to help patients die

Vatican cardinal says Mexico's folk Death Saint is blasphemous, decries its worship by gangs

Have scientists found the lost 'white city of gold'? Radar scans taken from the air reveal mysterious ancient city in dense Central American jungle

Why Canadians Are Turning Away From Organized Religion

Anti-Semitic Theology

'Church of Scotland amends disputed Israel paper'

French president signs same-sex marriage law

Minister: France in talks with US, Israel to buy drones

Italy coalition: Thousands rally in Rome against cuts

Christian Churches Back Jews Facing Anti-Semitism in Hungary

Russia showcases military pomp for Victory Day

'I Am Gabriel': Ancient Stone on Display in Israel

King Herod's Quarry Uncovered

Committee finds IDF didn't kill Palestinian boy al-Dura in 2000

CIA chief pays surprise visit to Israel

Christian Teacher to Be Tried in Egypt for Insulting Islam

Teacher Accused of Blasphemy in Egypt Released on Bail

Ex-Jordanian Spy Says Jordan Regime is Anti-Israel

Libya Wants to Sell Oil. Is Anyone Listening?

Yemen: Suspected US drone strike kills 4 militants in southern province of Abyan

Bombs targeting Sunnis kill at least 76 in Iraq

Militants kill 10 Iraq policemen in checkpoint attacks

Remember the Christians in Iraq?

Hanging Gardens Of Babylon Discovered 300 Miles Away In Nineveh

France: West should sanction Iran 'decisively'

Iran hangs 2 men convicted of spying for Israel and US

Attorney: Iran wants Christian to break

Captive in Iran: Women Share Horrors of Evin Prison

What Would Happen if Israel Nuked Iran

Even Stuxnet didn't set back Iran

Senior Pakistani politician Zahra Shahid shot dead

India: Mob demolishes church

Christian children still missing, enslaved

North Korea Seized Chinese Boat

Army Pivots to Pacific Amidst NKorea Threats

North Korea fires short-range missiles for two days in a row

More South Koreans support developing nuclear weapons

Boko Haram Kills Nigerian Pentecostal Leader

Nigeria Orders Curfew in Muslim Extremist Neighborhoods

Christians suffering looting and killings in Central African Republic

Pressure Builds Against Christians in Sudan

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