
Watchman Report 1/7/08

Girl Sprayed by Acid Outside California Church

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. — Authorities say an acid-filled bottle that sprayed a 10-year-old girl yesterday was the fourth of its kind found in San Mateo County in a month.

The two-liter soda bottle filled with hydrochloric acid was wrapped with duct tape and left outside a Redwood City church.

The bottle exploded when the 10-year-old girl's brother kicked it. The acid doused the girl's legs and melted holes in her nylons.

Redwood City Fire Department officials said the girl was not injured.

Battalion Chief Steve Cavallero said three similar bottles have been found recently in Woodside. He said the incidents may be connected.

Analysis: Local Evangelicals Show Clout

-- The stereotype has been around as long as the religious right: conservative Christians are sheep-like, monolithic, controlled by their leaders.

The Iowa Republican caucuses should finally put that myth to rest.

While most top evangelicals looked at everyone but Mike Huckabee in the presidential race _ even floating the idea of a third-party candidate _ born-again Iowa caucus-goers embraced him, helping the former Arkansas governor defeat his better-known, better-funded GOP rivals.

In 2008, the rank-and-file have taken charge.

"Some organizations that had been quite influential a few years ago, no longer seem to have that kind of influence," said John Green, senior fellow at the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. "In Iowa, you see new voices, you hear new names, you see new organizations."

Eighty-three percent of Huckabee's supporters in the caucuses identified themselves as born-again Christian or evangelical, according to a voter survey conducted for The Associated Press and TV networks. Huckabee won 46 percent of evangelical backing in the caucuses.

This, despite big-name conservative Christian endorsements for other Republicans. The Rev. Pat Robertson, a candidate for the Republican nomination in 1988, endorsed former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, saying he was the best candidate to fight terrorism. Paul Weyrich, a founder of the Moral Majority, backed former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

In Iowa, Huckabee didn't need them. The one-time Southern Baptist preacher based his appeal not only on traditional Christian issues such as marriage and family, but also spoke about the importance of environmental protection, fighting poverty and providing health care _ concerns that are priorities for many evangelical voters.

"I think what we're seeing is an assertion of grass-roots evangelicalism," said Randall Balmer, a Barnard College religious history professor who has been critical of conservative Christian political leaders. "Huckabee radically challenges the orthodoxy of the Republican establishment and the religious right."

The former governor is facing claims from old guard leaders that he is really a liberal. After Huckabee won the caucuses, Richard Viguerie, the direct mail expert who helped build the conservative movement, called the candidate a "Christian socialist" who would hurt the GOP.

But Huckabee's emphasis on social justice issues seemed key to his winning Christian support. "In some ways Mike Huckabee is more in touch with those changes than some of the better-known political leaders," Green said.

Huckabee is running in the midst of a generational shift in the evangelical world.

The Rev. Jerry Falwell and other founders of the Christian right have died or are in the twilight of their influence. National groups such as the Christian Coalition are floundering, and the organizational muscle of the movement now rests with local pastors, not national figures.

Huckabee had a tiny campaign in Iowa and a shoestring budget, but he also had a network of supporters outside his formal campaign who spread the word of his candidacy through their churches.

As these backers helped push Huckabee ahead in pre-caucus polls, he created a new pastors' coalition for his run and won endorsements from more nationally known figures, including Tim LaHaye, co-author of the apocalyptic "Left Behind" book series.

There is no guarantee that Huckabee can win conservative Christian backing in the primaries ahead.

Ted Olsen, a managing editor at Christianity Today magazine, noted that even though conservative Christians powered Huckabee's Iowa victory, he did not win a majority of born-again support. Nineteen percent went for Romney, 11 percent for former Sen. Fred Thompson and 10 percent each for Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former Sen. John McCain, according to the AP caucus survey.

"At least for now, he's able to appeal to evangelicals who both sympathize with and are critical of the religious right," Olsen said. "That's a neat political trick that I don't know that he can sustain. But if he can, that would win him the nomination."

Pro-lifer Seriously Injured in Violent Attack; Operation Rescue Says Officer Should Be Disciplined

HARRISBURG, Penn., (christiansunite.com) -- Ed Snell, 69, received serious injuries that doctors feared could have cost him his life during an attack on December 22, 2007, outside the Hillcrest Abortion Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The responding female officer not only let the attacker go, but threatened to arrest witnesses that identified the perpetrator and demanded his arrest.

Mr. Snell was standing on a sturdy platform he had attached to the top of his vehicle in order to offer help to women over a fence that had been erected to prevent pro-lifers from speaking to them. Witness John McTernan said that a man who was escorting a woman into the abortion clinic, "leaped on the vehicle with Ed and catapulted him off of the vehicle and onto the ground." Mr. Snell struck the pavement with his head. He was transported by ambulance to the hospital where he was treated for multiple trauma, bleeding in the area between the brain and the tissues that cover the brain, compression fractures of four vertebrae, right scapula fracture, and fracture of the fourth and fifth ribs.

Three officers arrived to investigate but allowed the perpetrator to leave the scene. When Mr. McTernan objected and demanded an arrest, the female officer threatened to arrest him for interfering with a police investigation.

"It is unbelievable that an officer would allow an attacker to go free after inflicting life-threatening injuries on an elderly gentleman, then threaten to arrest the witness to the crime," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "That was not only unprofessional conduct, but it showed a fundamental lack of respect for Mr. Snell's life and beliefs. She should face serious discipline."

Mr. Snell was released from the hospital the following day. His recovery is expected to take a full 8 weeks. Meanwhile, upon learning the seriousness of Mr. Snell's injuries, the police finally arrested and charged the man with felony assault.

This incident adds to a growing list of attacks on pro- lifers in recent months, which have all included unprofessional police conduct. Operation Rescue recommends that pro-lifers establish regular communications with local police supervisors in order to educate them as to the peaceful nature of pro-life activities and their protection under the First Amendment.

Any concerns about Harrisburg Bureau of Police conduct may be addressed to:
Police Chief Charles Keller
Phone: 717-255-3103

CWA Tells Senate Foreign Relations Committee -- Reappoint Sauerbrey

WASHINGTON, (christiansunite.com) -- With her recess appointment ending, Ellen R. Sauerbrey should easily be voted a permanent appointment as assistant secretary for population, refugees and migration. Even those who originally opposed her nomination praise her 2-year stint as a State Department official who has shown leadership on the numerous fronts where refugee displacement has been at crisis point -- in countries like Nepal, Myanmar and especially in politically- charged countries like Iraq and Darfur.

Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, Director and Senior Fellow of Concerned Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute and an official United States delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women when Ambassador Sauerbrey headed that program, said, "With so many hot spots around the world, the Senate would be grossly negligent of its duties if it did not appoint Ambassador Sauerbrey to the State Department assistant secretary position. There will be a serious lack of leadership on the refugee front if that position remains vacant at a time when in one country alone -- Iraq -- there have been over 2 million refugees fleeing the turmoil and danger of that nation."

Crouse continued, "When lawmakers left Washington without acting on her nomination, they neglected their responsibilities. More importantly, they left a huge gap in the important work of protecting refugees. It is obvious that Mrs. Sauerbrey's support of the president's position on life issues is behind the committee's negligence in acting on her nomination. The president deserves to have appointees who agree with his positions and those people who are fleeing war-torn nations deserve to have help in resettling in safe nations."

Crouse concluded, "The Senate needs to act on Sauerbrey's nomination now; understanding the plight of refugees and helping them resettle should be a matter above petty politics. There is no way that this appointment should be held hostage to the pro- abortion activists when lives are at stake."

Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.

Pro-life Women Jailed 10 Years After Begging Abortionist to Quit

LINCOLN, Nebraska, (christiansunite.com) -- Pro-life activists Shari McKee and Melissa Abbink were jailed on December 28th, 2007, (Feast of the Holy Innocents), for speaking to Lincoln abortionist Winston Crabb on two occasions in front of his home 10 years ago. Abbink faces five months in jail while McKee has been sentenced to serve eight months behind bars.

In February, 1998, both were charged with violating the "focused picketing" ordinance even though neither had signs and both incidents lasted only a minute each, just long enough to plead for the lives of pre- born children as he walked from his car to his house.

After exhausting the appeals of the criminal cases, the convictions were upheld by the Nebraska Supreme Court on September 10, 1999. However, for reasons unknown, the mandate did not come down until September 28, 2005, over 6 years later!

The last two years have been spent seeking a commutation. The women's cases were brought before the Board of Pardons, which was very sympathetic, but refused to act because the Board does not review misdemeanor cases. The Board referred the cases to the Mayor of Lincoln, who has refused to act claiming he does not have the authority to grant commutations.

According to the women's attorneys, the Mayor clearly does have the authority to commute misdemeanor sentences.

"We are asking pro-lifers to write to Mayor Beutler and ask him to commute the sentences of these two women," said Larry Donlan, Director of Rescue the Heartland. "Be sure to point out that the Pardon Board says he has the authority to do so. Be polite and remember, it is a commutation that we are after, not a pardon. Like the parable of the widow, we are seeking justice for these two brave, God-fearing women. Only Mayor Beutler has that ability to grant that justice. He can do so by merely picking up the phone."

Mayor Chris Beutler
555 South 10th, 2nd Floor Rm 208,
Lincoln, NE 68508
Fax: 402-441-7120
E-mail: mayor@lincoln.ne.gov

Also, keep both Shari and Melissa in your prayers. Shari has been moved to a separate facility. You may send encouraging mail to them at the addresses below.

Melissa Abbink
4420 NW 41st
Lincoln, NE 68524

Sharon McKee
1125 E. 17th St.
Columbus, NE 68601

About Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.

Election Story the Media Missed: Pro-Family Truth Campaign Helped Sink Romney in Iowa

NAPERVILLE, Ill., (christiansunite.com) -- Peter LaBarbera, founder of the Republicans For Family Values website, issued the following statement on Mitt Romney's stunning Iowa Caucuses defeat Thursday:

There is a story the media missed in its reporting of Mitt Romney's humiliating loss in Iowa to the comparatively vastly under-funded Mike Huckabee: how a dogged "truth campaign" by pro- family advocates -- mostly from Romney's own state of Massachusetts -- to educate social conservatives on his liberal record on abortion and homosexuality helped seal his defeat.

Much as Romney tried to run away from his pro- abortion and pro-gay past -- and as hard as Romney backers like Hugh Hewitt and Jay Sekulow worked to paper over it and discredit his socially conservative critics -- the truth got out, cracking Romney's carefully-built facade.

While conservatives leaders tore into Mike Huckabee's record -- and appropriately knocked him for some past liberal policies -- there seemed to be a kid-gloves approach among most conservative media power-brokers toward Romney and his liberal social record.

Where were the Ann Coulter hit-pieces against the man who once promised that he could do more for Massachusetts homosexuals than Ted Kennedy?

Part of the silence stems from Romney's (present) strong rhetoric against "gay marriage," which obscures his past as a strongly pro- homosexual politician who supported "domestic partners" legislation in Massachusetts and failed to back the original state amendment that could have preserved marriage as between a man and a woman in Massachusetts.

Ironically, had Romney done the Reagan-esque thing and stood up to the Massachusetts judges on "gay marriage," he'd be a national hero now and running away with the nomination. Instead he went overboard the other way and needlessly (and illegally) passed out "same-sex marriage" licenses.

Romney continues to equivocate on homosexuality: why are pro-family leaders who have spent their lives fighting against homosexual activism now supporting a candidate who, despite experiencing firsthand the effects of radical pro- homosexual laws in Massachusetts -- legalized "same-sex marriage," state-enforced homosexual adoptions, and pro-homosexuality programs in pubic schools -- is still recommending gay 'special- rights' laws to other states? (Meet the Press interview, Dec. 16)

In addition to all his money -- and perhaps in large part because of it -- Romney has the backing of some key pro-life and pro-family leaders, such as Sekulow, Hewitt, pro-life attorney James Bopp and Rev. Lou Sheldon. But try as they might, these accomplished men cannot re- construct Romney's liberal social record.

"The Mitt Romney Deception" -- Mass Resistance's devastating report documenting Romney's long pro-abortion and pro-homosexual history -- is there for all to see.

The question remains: will "pro-family" Romney apologists respect the Republican pro-family grassroots enough to stop carrying water for a candidate who is widely regarded as a phony on the very issues -- life, marriage and preserving the natural family -- that are most important to them?

For identification purposes only, LaBarbera is president of Americans For Truth about Homosexuality (www.a mericansfortruth.org).

Jesuits gather in Rome to elect new 'black pope'

There won't be any white smoke to tell the world he has been elected, but another sort of secret conclave began in Rome on Monday - to chose the worldwide Jesuit leader who is known as the "the black pope".

At Jesuit headquarters a block from the Vatican, 225 delegates from around the world will choose a new superior general to run the largest and perhaps most influential, controversial and prestigious Catholic clerical order.

Their leader is traditionally known as "the black pope" because of the colour of the simple cassock he wears and because - like the pope who dresses in white - he has worldwide influence and usually keeps the position for life.

But this year's general congregation, as the meeting is known, is different. The current superior general, Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, 79, received permission from Pope Benedict to retire for reasons of age.

A soft-spoken Dutchman with white hair and a goatee, Kolvenbach has been in the job since 1983 and has won widespread praise for steering the Jesuits through one of their most difficult periods in their 468-year history.

Kolvenbach's charismatic predecessor, a Basque named Pedro Arrupe, had several conflicts with Benedict's predecessor, Pope John Paul, who believed the order had become too independent, leftist and political, particularly in Latin America.

When Arrupe suffered a stroke in the early 1980s Pope John Paul appointed a personal delegate to run the order to make sure it would not drift further leftwards, a move some Jesuits at the time resented as "papal martial law".

Kolvenbach, by contrast, has been credited with re-establishing good relations with the Vatican over the past 25 years while dealing with issues such as declining vocations and the future of the order founded by St Ignatius Loyola in 1540.


In the 1960s, the all-male order officially known as the Society of Jesus peaked with some 36,000 members worldwide. It now has about 19,200 members involved in education, refugee help and other social services.

The election of Kolvenbach's successor is expected to take place in mid-January after days of prayer and what is known in Latin as "murmuratio", or murmurings, among the delegates about who might make a good superior general.

While politicking for the post is strictly banned - delegates are obliged to 'turn in' anyone who actively seeks the top job - some names have already circulated in religious media.

One is Father Lisbert D'Sousa of India, and some Jesuits have said it is time for the top job to go to someone from the developing world.

"This (the developing world) is not only the new center of gravity for the Society of Jesus but for the Church," Father James Martin wrote in America, the weekly of the U.S. Jesuits.

"And an election of a developing world general would be interesting as a possible bellwether for the next papal conclave, whenever that will be," he wrote.

The new Jesuit leader is elected by a secret ballot. After he is chosen, the delegates are not allowed to leave the room until Pope Benedict is informed, in keeping with a centuries-old tradition that the "white pope" be the first to know who the new "black pope" is.

But unlike a conclave to elect the real pope, a Jesuit general congregation can continue for weeks or even months after the new head has been elected in order to discuss the order's future challenges and priorities.

New Hampshire brings out more 'authentic Conservative' Huckabee

Iowa caucus winner Republican Mike Huckabee has softened his “Christian leader” image and instead donned an “authentic conservative” cap in his bid for the US presidential nomination in New Hampshire.

The shift in tactic is in response to the different breed of Republican voters in the Granite State compared to Iowa.

In New Hampshire, evangelical support is driven more by economic conservatism than religious fervor as in Iowa.

And while evangelicals still make up a significant portion of likely Republican primary voters, their number is far less than those in Iowa where over half of the caucus-goers this past Thursday were self-described “born-again” or evangelical Christians.

As a result, the former Arkansas governor is appealing to New Hampshire voters with his authenticity and “one-of you” message, speaking about improving the economy and health care system to help the average American.

“He’s not plastic,” said Republican strategist Greg Mueller, according to The Associated Press. “He speaks American, not Washingtonian. The way he communicates is coming off as a person who understands and can connect with middle America.”

In ads running in the Granite State, Huckabee dropped the label “Christian leader” and replaced it with “authentic conservative” and “proven leader.”. He has also left out the issues of abortion or same-sex “marriage” in his stump speech in New Hampshire, according to The New York Times.

“He has to appeal to the non-evangelical Republican voters, to those who do not put religion in first place,” noted CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider in his assessment of Huckabee in New Hampshire.

The Huckabee campaign said that he would be happy with a third place finish in New Hampshire, which would give him enough momentum to continue the race in the more conservative states of South Carolina and Florida.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and Senator John McCain of Arizona are nearly tied in New Hampshire.

On Saturday, Romney won the Wyoming Republican caucuses, which received modest to little attention from candidates who focused their campaign on New Hampshire – its primary is a mere five days after Iowa’s.

On the flight from Iowa, Huckabee joked with reporters about plans he had to appeal to secular New Hampshire.

“A big tent revival out on the grounds of the Concord State Capitol?” Huckabee said in his deadpan style, according to The New York Times. “We’ll get them all converted to the evangelical faith, and then we’ll win. How’s that? That would work.”

New Hampshire will hold its presidential primary on Tuesday.

Seven churches bombed in Iraq

At least seven churches in Iraq were bombed Sunday in what appears to be coordinated attacks on Orthodox Christians celebrating New Year’s Eve.

Mortar shells, explosive devices and car bombs were used in attacks targeting churches and monasteries in Baghdad and Mosul, according to Dubai-based Khaleej Times newspaper. At least six people were wounded, including two guards, reported Voices of Iraq news agency.

In the explosion at Saint Maskinta Church in Mosul, the bomb destroyed the external wall of the church and caused panic among children and nuns inside where the church had an orphanage for girls.

“I’m very upset. That the explosions went off at the same time proves that this was part of a plan,” said Mosul’s Chaldean archbishop, Farac Raho, on the TV channel Ishtar, according to the Assyrian International News Agency (AINA).

“Both our Muslim brothers and we had just celebrated Eid and Christmas at the same time this year and everything went well,” he said, referring to the Gregorian calendar still used by the Eastern Orthodox Church where Christmas and New Year fall on a later date.

“But the opposition has never really stopped pointing their weapons at us…Iraq’s government must immediately act against violence directed towards us Christians,” the archbishop pleaded.

On Monday, Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi, a Sunni, condemned the attacks and expressed sympathy with the Christian “brothers.”

“I stand with them against this brutal attack that turned happiness into misery and concerns,” he said, according to the Khaleej Times.

“Iraqis have a lot more to do to free themselves from the phenomenon of violence and terrorism, despite indications of relative improvement to a level of security,” according to Adnkronos International news site.

He called on Iraqi president Jalal Talabani to use “care and prudence to cure Iraq from this phenomenon.”

Persecution such as church bombings, kidnappings, as well as general violence and instability has forced a disproportionate number of Christians to flee Iraq – nearly half of all refugees leaving the country are Christians, according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.

Christians in Iraq, composed mostly of Chaldeans, accounts for less than three percent of the country’s population. Today there are about 600,000 Iraqi Christians – down from 1.2 million before the 2003 U.S.-led offensive.

Many Christians in Iraq and abroad, as well as religious freedom advocates, have expressed concern of the extinction of Christians in Iraq – either through death or forced emigration – if more is not done to protect the powerless minority group.

“Many believe that it had become a little safer for non-Muslims in Iraq but now even those who held that hope have begun to waver,” said Iskander Bikasha, an editor of the Iraq-focused news site Ankawa.com, to AINA. “It’s not just churches that are being bombed but even monasteries and convents.”

“It’s a war but we are not at war,” he added emotionally. “We are not a part of this war. We carry no weapons. We kill no one. We turn the other cheek. A day doesn’t go by without us hearing reports about Assyrians, also called Chaldeans and Syrians, who have been killed.”

But some Iraqi Christians are defying the violence by refusing to allow persecution to stop their worship service. At one of the bombed churches in Baghdad on Sunday, believers still met after the attack to hold the Epiphany mass.

“We have decided to continue to go to church, let them bomb us, we’ve had enough,” said “Daniel” (name withheld for security reason) to AINA. “It’s our country too. If they want to wipe us out, they’ll be able to do it anyway. I will die proud,” he said in defiance of increasing Christian persecution.

Christians are especially vulnerable in Iraq because they hold no political or military power. In October, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had vowed to protect and support Iraq’s Christian community.

Harshest persecution likely to occur in Saudi Arabia and North Korea – Release

According to persecution watchdog Release International, some of the harshest persecution endured by Christians in 2008 is likely to take place in states where Christianity is illegal - North Korea and Saudi Arabia.

Elsewhere, millions of Christians this coming year will face varying degrees of harassment, persecution and repression simply because of where they live.

“Imprisonment, torture and even summary execution continue to be a fact of life for secret Christians in North Korea,” says Tim Peters of Helping Hands Korea, which supports refugees escaping the repressive regime of Kim Jong-Il.

Saudi Arabia punishes anyone involved in evangelism or who converts a Muslim with jail or expulsion. Christian leaders have also been threatened with execution.

“Help us to stand with our persecuted brothers and sisters in 2008 – we have much to give them, and they have much to teach us,” says Andy Dipper, the CEO of Release International, which serves the persecuted church in 30 nations.

Most persecution of Christians in 2008 is set to take place in the four ‘zones’ of Islam, communism, Hinduism and Buddhism, says Release. Persecution may stem from the government or its agents, such as the secret police, military or judiciary, or from non-governmental movements, such as militant Islamic groups.


For many years, one of the most repressive Islamic nations has been Saudi Arabia. As guardian of Islam’s holiest sites Mecca and Medina Saudi forbids all other religions and threatens evangelists with execution. The government bans all Christian literature yet spends billions of dollars each year propagating Islam around the world.

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001, the world has been made dramatically aware of Islamist global networks such as Al Qaeda, who exploit religious tensions and differences for their own political ends.

Islamist militants often view Christians and non-Muslims as infidels, who must be converted, by force if necessary, or be killed or driven out of Islamic lands. They believe it is their religious duty to impose Islamic Sharia law throughout their nation.

Even seemingly moderate Muslim countries’ governments often fail to safeguard the rights of their Christian minorities. Christians suffer kidnapping, forced conversion to Islam, imprisonment, destruction of churches, discrimination in education, employment, housing and the legal system, executions, rape of Christian girls and torture.

Among other Islamic nations of particular concern Release International’s partners report that Pakistan is becoming increasingly dangerous for Christians, as the turmoil in that nation continues.

In the latest edition of Release’s Witness Magazine, the organisation’s partner, Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan (SLMP), elaborated on some of the difficulties facing the minority Christian community there.

"Christians face many forms of persecution in Pakistan: false implication in blasphemy cases, attacks against churches, land grabbing, forced conversion,maltreatment of Christian prisoners, rape and sometimes killing,” said SLMP. “They don’t have the same rights as the Muslim majority.”


Communist regimes continue to persecute Christians in China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos and Vietnam, where they have pursued systematic programmes to weaken and destroy the church. And persecution is growing in China, as the authorities clamp down on potential dissent in preparation for the Olympic Games.

“Security in China has tightened up in the run-up to the Olympics,” reports Release International’s partner Chinese Church Support Ministries (CCSM). “Persecution has increased in 2007, and will continue into 2008. Christians have been arrested and put in prison because of their faith.

“Christian groups are meeting in smaller numbers, and changing the meeting place each week. People are very nervous. Western believers working in China have also been told they must leave the country.”

With support from Release International, CCSM is hoping to print and distribute one and a half million Bibles and Christian teaching books in China in 2008.

CCSM has asked for prayer “for the safety of the believers in China, that they will remain strong in their faith”.

But what is widely regarded as the severest oppression of Christians in the world takes place in North Korea.

“Imprisonment, torture and even summary execution continue to be a fact of life for secret Christians in North Korea,” says Tim Peters of RI’s partner Helping Hands Korea, which supports refugees escaping the repressive regime of Kim Jong-Il.

“Pressures include an absolute ban on owning a Bible, assembling to pray or to read the Scriptures, and evangelism - even of one's own children.

“Being discovered as a member of the underground church inside North Korea can result in one's entire family being sent to a prison camp, and even torture and summary execution in extreme cases.”

Seong Min Kim, a North Korean who managed to escape from his country, said: “Although the North Korean government tries to silence North Korean Christians by calling them spies, the praise and prayer of our brothers and sisters cannot be silenced, even in a political concentration camp or a prison.”

Tim Peters of Helping Hands Korea has asked for prayer: “That we can continue to assist a growing number of North Korean refugees in China, despite the harsh crackdown by Chinese in preparation for staging the 2008 Beijing Olympics.”

Persecution also continues in the former Soviet Union under some ‘old guard’ communists who remain ideologically opposed to Christianity.


In India, Hindu extremists have been involved in a growing number of attacks against Christians and Muslims.

The All India Christian Council says that while there were 190 recorded cases of anti-Christian violence in 2007, the real figure may actually be closer to 1,000.

“The incidence of anti-Christian violence is much higher than available statistics indicate, as most cases are not reported to the police and are ignored by the media,” it said.

Hindu nationalism or ‘Hindutva’ is closely linked with one of India’s largest political parties, the Bharatiya Janata Party. The BJP is associated with a number of militant Hindu groups, who regard Hindu culture as essential to Indian identity.

“The persecution of Christians in India is increasing day by day as Hindu fundamentalists are becoming moreorganised and influencing both state and central governments to pass anti-conversion laws,” said the AICC.

Christians also face persecution from Hindus in Nepal.


Christians are persecuted in Burma. And in Bhutan and Sri Lanka Buddhist militants who fear that Christianity threatens national identity and unity have stirred up harassment and violence against Christians.

“In 2008 millions of Christians will face persecution,” says Andy Dipper, Release International’s CEO. “They’re our family. If it was your husband, wife, daughter or son behind bars you’d move heaven and earth to help them.

“So what better new year’s resolution than to take your stand with your brothers and sisters imprisoned for their faith?

“Persecution is part of the normal Christian life – just as Jesus warned. But Jesus also told us to love one another, sacrificially. And the Bible encourages us to bear one another’s burdens. At Release we’ve found it an immense privilege to stand with these faithful, overcoming Christians in prayer and in providing practical support. And we have so much to learn from them.”

Through its international network of missions, Release International works to support persecuted Christians in some 30 nations. Release is supporting Christians imprisoned for their faith and their families. It supports church workers, pastors and evangelists, and provides training, Bibles, Christian literature and broadcasts. Release has been involved in reconstructing the homes of Christians destroyed in riots, and in providing legal aid and sanctuary, medicine and welfare.

Release International is a member of the UK organisations Global Connections, the Evangelical Alliance and the Micah Network.

Islamist extremism creating ‘no-go areas’, says bishop

The Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, warned on Sunday that Islamic extremism had turned some areas of Britain into hostile “no-go areas” for people of a different faith.

Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, the Pakistan-born Bishop warned that young people were growing up alienated from the country they live in as a result of the rise in Islamic extremism around the world.

The Islamic extremist resurgence was turning “already separate communities into ‘no-go’areas”, he said, adding that “hostility” in certain areas may make it difficult for non-Muslims trying to live or work there.

"There has been a worldwide resurgence of the ideology of Islamic extremism," the Bishop wrote. "One of the results of this has been to further alienate the young from the nation in which they were growing up and also to turn already separate communities into ‘no-go’ areas where adherence to this ideology has become a mark of acceptability.

"Those of a different faith or race may find it difficult to live or work there because of hostility to them.

"In many ways, this is but the other side of the coin to far-Right intimidation." He added: "Attempts have been made to impose an 'Islamic' character on certain areas, for example, by insisting on artificial amplification for the Adhan, the call to prayer."

The Muslim Council of Britain said the Bishop was “talking nonsense” and a number of politicians dismissed the Bishop’s fears as scaremongering, saying there was no evidence to support his views.

"This is irresponsible scaremongering," an MCB spokesman said. "Where are these so-called areas that he's talking about?"

Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg said the idea of no-go areas was "a gross caricature of reality", while Conservative Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague told Sky News the bishop had "probably put it too strongly".

Bishop Nazir-Ali also warned that Christianity was being eroded by a “multi-faith mish-mash” without “moral or spiritual vision”.

Kenyans turn to God for end to violence

After almost a week of intense post-election violence and rioting, Kenyans on both sides of the political divide are turning to God for His grace to save Kenya.

Conflict-weary Christians across the deeply religious Kenya filled churches on Sunday to pray that God would intervene to bring peace where the political leaders have failed.

Jane Riungu, leading her five children in their best clothes to a hilltop church outside Nairobi, said, “Our leaders have failed us. They have brought this catastrophe upon us. So now we are turning to the Almighty to save Kenya.”

Kenya has been the scene of rioting and looting since President Mwai Kibaki’s re-election last Sunday was furiously contested by opposition leader Raila Odinga.

Hundreds have been killed in the ensuing ethnic violence and clashes between protesters and police, which threaten to unravel stability in the entire east African region. Another 250,000 people have been displaced from their homes.

Protestant, Catholic and other churches were united in prayers and moments of silence for the dead on Sunday.

Tens of thousands of refugees have sought shelter in churches, police stations and grassy fields around the trouble hotspot Eldoret. Around 30 men, women and children – mainly of Kibaki’s Kikuyu tribe - were killed in a church in nearby Kiambaa when it was torched by a violent mob of local Kalenjins last Tuesday.

Some 9,000 refugees from the Eldoret environs have found shelter in the ethnically-mixed town’s Sacred Heart Cathedral, despite the massacre at Kiambaa.

Catholic Bishop Cornelius Korir, a Kalenjin, said, "I've tried to tell people there's no difference between us. I look after all people, regardless of tribe.”

South African Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu has been in the country since Wednesday, moving between the two opposition groups in an attempt to solve the disagreements between Kibaki and Odinga, and halt the violence on the streets.

On Saturday, the Pope called for an end to the “great tragedy” in Kenya and pressed politicians to end the dispute through dialogue and debate.

Pope Benedict expressed his “deep sorrow and concern” over the situation in a letter sent on his behalf by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone to the president of the Kenya Episcopal Conference.

The letter stated: “He pleads for an immediate end to acts of violence and fratricidal conflict.

“The Pope also appeals to political leaders, who are responsible for the common good, and invites them to embark resolutely on the path of peace and justice, since the country needs peace that is based on justice and brotherhood."

The letter added that the Pope was praying for an end to the violence and expressed his solidarity with Kenyans and bishops in the country.

Also on Saturday, President Kibaki announced he was ready to form a national unity government but the opposition rejected the offer, demanding Kibaki’s resignation and an international mediator to broker talks before a new election in three to six months.

"My position has not changed. We want a negotiated settlement. Our starting point is that Kibaki is there illegally. He should not come to the negotiating table as the president," opposition leader Odinga told reporters.

Ghanaian President John Kufuor will visit Kenya to talk to both sides about a peaceful solution to the crisis.

Until the violence, Kenya had been regarded as one of Africa’s most stable and economically flourishing democracies

The Media Council of Kenya has announced an hour-long "Prayers for Peace" broadcast on all major channels for Sunday evening.

"Together, our prayers will help bring Kenya back to the beautiful, united nation we all love,” it said.

Christian Peoples Alliance defends bishop over Islam comments

The leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance group on Newham Council, Cllr Alan Craig, has come out in support of the Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, after he warned on Sunday that Islamic extremism was creating “no-go areas” for people of a different faith.

Bishop Nazir-Ali faced strong criticism from the Muslim Council of Britain and a number of politicians for his comments in a piece for the Sunday Telegraph.

The Pakistan-born Bishop wrote that a global resurgence of Islamic extremism was turning “already separate communities into ‘no-go’areas”, and that “hostility” in certain areas was making it difficult for non-Muslims trying to live or work there.

"There has been a worldwide resurgence of the ideology of Islamic extremism," the Bishop wrote. "One of the results of this has been to further alienate the young from the nation in which they were growing up and also to turn already separate communities into ‘no-go’ areas where adherence to this ideology has become a mark of acceptability.

"Those of a different faith or race may find it difficult to live or work there because of hostility to them.

"In many ways, this is but the other side of the coin to far-Right intimidation."

He added: "Attempts have been made to impose an 'Islamic' character on certain areas, for example, by insisting on artificial amplification for the Adhan, the call to prayer."

The Muslim Council of Britain said the Bishop was “talking nonsense” and a number of politicians dismissed the Bishop’s fears as scaremongering, including Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg who called the idea of no-go areas “a gross caricature of reality”.

Cllr Craig commended the Bishop as “courageous” for highlighting the “deliberate creation of Muslim enclaves by radical Islamists in Britain”.

"Of course the Bishop will get attacked by ostriches who hide their heads in the sand and hope the problem will go away," said Cllr Craig.

The CPA leader has spearheaded a lengthy campaign against the building of a giant mosque next to the London Olympics site in east London by the controversial Tablighi Jamaat group.

"Mega-mosque promoters Tablighi Jamaat have just such a track record of creating a Muslim enclave around their current UK headquarters mosque in the Saville Town area of Dewsbury in West Yorkshire," said Cllr Craig.

"Muslim superiority and separatism is what Tablighi Jamaat preach, and Muslim ghettos are often the result.

"That's why we don't want the Tablighi Jamaat mega-mosque in our diverse east London where social cohesion and integration are highly valued.”

He added, "LibDem leader Nick Clegg should visit Dewsbury before he further criticises Dr Nazir-Ali. He should see for himself the 'parallel society' Tablighi Jamaat have established in the streets around their mosque.”

The assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, Inayat Bunglawala, said that Bishop Nazir-Ali was trying to “franatically scaremonger” as a result of “what he perceives as the decline in the influence of Christianity upon this country”.

Conservative Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague told Sky News, meanwhile, that the bishop had "probably put it too strongly".

Southern Baptist leaders not getting any younger

New statistics show young leaders have sharply declined in Southern Baptist churches while those over 60 years of age have increased dramatically.

Baptists ages 18-39 only comprised 13.1 per cent of the some 8,000 messengers – or delegates in the Southern Baptist Convention – who attended the latest annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas, in June 2007. In 1980, the young cohort represented 33.6 per cent.

Meanwhile, messengers aged 60 and above accounted for 35.4 percent – a jump from 12.9 percent in 1980 – of the total crowd at the 2007 meeting.

The 40-59 age group has stayed fairly constant, accounting for around half the attendance at annual meetings.

"This sample represents all messengers, and historically 40 percent of the messengers have been senior pastors," said Ed Stetzer, director of LifeWay Research, in the latest report.

"The percentage of senior pastors attending the annual meeting has remained relatively constant, but the age of attendees has risen dramatically.

"Simply put, the proportion of those under 40 attending the SBC is declining precipitously – down by more than 50 percent since the beginning of the conservative resurgence," Stetzer highlighted.

Overall, the 18-39 age group represents 17 per cent of Southern Baptist senior pastors and the 60-plus age groups represents 24 per cent.

The aging crowd of Baptist leaders has been apparent for years with the highest young leader attendance recorded in 1985 when 18- to 39-year-old leaders made up 35.9 per cent of those at the annual meeting. A steady decline began thereafter and in 2005, the statistic plummeted to 16.1 percent.

Sam S Rainer III, a young Baptist pastor who heads Rainer Research, says it is no surprise that many churches are getting older and church leaders grayer. Rather, the alarming part of the trend is that another generation is not rising up behind the older crowd, he pointed out in his weblog on Thursday.

Both generations need to step up, Rainer indicated.

"The baton needs to be passed," he said. "Passing a baton requires both parties (older and younger generations) to be running in sync, and the church is not there yet."

LifeWay Research examined survey results dating back to 1980 after hearing many comments from Baptist messengers that attendees at the Southern Baptist convention are getting older.

The research found a clear decline in younger attendees despite several factors, such as the location of the annual meeting which can attract more or less young people.

"For example, the 1991 and 1995 meetings both were held in Atlanta, which tends to be one of the better locations for young adults because of its convenience in the Southeast," Scott McConnell, associate director of LifeWay Research, noted. "The 18-39 age group accounted for 30.6 per cent of the messengers in 1991 but only 24.8 percent in 1995. While Dallas attracted 35.9 per cent of young adult messengers in 1985, this dropped to 24.6 per cent in 1997.

"This is a clear decline over time," McConnell said. "The other two age groups are both increasing, and 60-plus is increasing more markedly. The general trend is the aging of attendees at the Southern Baptist Convention."

LifeWay's director, Stetzer, hopes the statistics will convince Southern Baptists to start assessing the concern.

"Oddly enough, in some quarters there has actually been a debate about whether the SBC attendance is aging and losing its young leaders," Stetzer said. "Of course, facts don’t convince everyone. My hope is that now, finally, we will stop debating and instead ask the hard question: ‘What is causing so many young leaders to stay away?'"

Although a continual trend, Southern Baptists are not far enough "down the mountain" that they have missed the opportunity to overturn the declining trend, according to Rainer.

"We still have a chance to pass the baton without faulting and disqualifying the finish," he said. "Existing leaders in the church must begin to prepare for this handoff. New leaders must be prepared to take the baton and run with it."

Satanists Suspected in Church Fires

CBNNews.com - PHENIX CITY, Ala. (AP) - Two men who authorities said dabbled in satanism have been arrested in connection with a recent rash of arson and vandalism at rural churches.

Satanic graffiti was scrawled at or near some of the east Alabama churches, and the 21-year-old suspects "called themselves professed spiritual satanists," Russell County Sheriff Tommy Boswell said Monday.

Geoffrey Parquette and James Clark were arrested Sunday and pleaded not guilty Monday. Neither had an attorney.

Boswell said the men, both of the Smiths community in Lee County, were not part of any organized group.

Parquette is charged with second-degree arson, third-degree burglary and criminal mischief in Russell and Lee counties. Clark is charged with second-degree arson and burglary in Lee County.

Both remained in custody. Bond was set at $200,000 for Parquette. No bond was set immediately for Clark.

Fires were set a three churches over four days beginning Jan. 1, and a task force of federal, state and local authorities was formed last week to investigate.

One of the churches, in the suspects' hometown, was destroyed; the others sustained moderate to heavy damage. Satanic graffiti was found in or near three churches, including one that was not burned.

Jim Cavanaugh, regional director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said crosses, robes and documents were taken from the churches. He said investigators found some of these items at the homes of the suspects.

The arrests came two years after another string of deliberately set fires at rural Alabama churches led to a major federal-state investigation. Three Birmingham college students were arrested, pleaded guilty and were sentenced to prison.

Israel Reaction Mixed on Bush Visit

President Bush is leaving Tuesday on his week-long trip to the Middle East. He'll first stop in Israel where the country is getting ready for its highest profile visitor in years.

The Israeli government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says it's eagerly anticipating Bush's visit.

Watch CBN News' Chris Mitchell's report and Pat Robertson's comments on President Bush's visit to Israel.

"He's been here before. But when he was here last, he was the governor of Texas and we're now looking forward to show him the country as president," Olmert spokesman Mark Regev said.

The Israeli government is making extraordinary preparations for Bush's visit. More than 10,000 police and security personnel will protect the president.

The government also ordered the Israeli army to reduce its anti-terrorism operations against Palestinians during Bush's visit. That includes efforts by the army to stop rocket attacks from Gaza.

Bush Catches Flak for Two-State Solution

But while the Olmert government is anticipating Bush's visit, other Israeli groups are criticizing his push for a two-state solution.

One Jerusalem, a group advocating a united Jerusalem, plans to form a human chain around the city. It's a protest against the current negotiations to divide Israel's capital.

And Knesset member Benny Elon says Bush's vision for a two-state solution is leading Israel to a "catastrophe."

Pentagon: Navy Ships Harassed by Iran

WASHINGTON - In what is being called a serious provocation, Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats harassed and provoked three U.S. Navy ships in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, officials said Monday.

For more on what this could mean, watch for CBN News Terror Analyst Erick Stakelbeck, following this report.

U.S. forces were on the verge of firing on the Iranian boats in the early Sunday incident, when the boats ended the incident and turned and moved away, said a Pentagon official.

"It is the most serious provocation of this sort that we've seen yet," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record.

The incident occurred at about 5 a.m. local time Sunday as a U.S. Navy cruiser, destroyer and frigate were transiting the strait on their way into the Persian Gulf.

"Five small boats were acting in a very aggressive way, charging the ships, dropping boxes in the water in front of the ships and causing our ships to take evasive maneuvers," the Pentagon official said.

"There were no injuries but there very well could have been," he said, adding that the Iranian boats turned away "literally at the very moment that U.S. forced were preparing to open fire" in self defense.

He said he didn't have the precise transcript of communications that passed between the two forces, but the Iranians radioed something to the effect that "we're coming at you and you'll explode in a couple minutes."

Historical tensions between the two nations have increased in recent years over Washington's charge that Tehran has been developing nuclear weapons and supplying and training Iraqi insurgents using roadside bombs - the No. 1 killer of U.S. troops in Iraq.

In another incident off it's coast, Iranian Revolutionary Guard sailors last March captured 15 British sailors and held them for nearly two weeks.

The 15 sailors from HMS Cornwall, including one woman, were captured on March 23. Iran claims the crew, operating in a small patrol craft, had intruded into Iranian waters - a claim denied by Britain.


  1. Most of the Western Muslim establishment is comprised of Islamist groups claiming to be moderates. True moderate Muslims reject Islamic supremacy and Sharia; embrace religious equality and democracy.

    What is a moderate Muslim? According to a dictionary, a moderate is a person who is opposed to radical or extreme views or measures, especially in politics or religion. Yet, majority of the public seem to be struggling with the definition of a moderate Muslim. Perhaps we can make this task easier by defining a radical Muslim and then defining the moderate as an opposite of the radical.

    Muslims Against Sharia compiled a list of issues that differentiate moderate Muslims from Islamic radicals. Hopefully you can help us grow this list.
    http://muslimsagainstsharia.blogspot.com/ 2008/01/what-is-moderate-muslim.html

    Poll: Who is a moderate Muslim?
    http://muslimsagainstsharia.blogspot.com/ 2008/01/poll-who-is-moderate-muslim.html




  3. Mike Huckabee, From Biblical/Constitutional Perspective,
    Still Clueless, A Double-Minded Man
    Contact: John Lofton, 410-760-8885, 301-873-4612, JLof@aol.com
    MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- Recovering Republican John Lofton, Editor of TheAmericanView.com and co-host of "The American View" radio show with the Constitution Party's 2004 Presidential candidate Michael Anthony Peroutka, has issued the following statement:

    Mike Huckabee has said that he is a "Christian Leader." But, as a Presidential candidate, he is not leading as a Christian. He has given no explicitly Biblical answers to any question. In fact, on numerous issues, he has run away from his professed Biblical faith sounding, operationally, de facto, like an atheist, like just another politician.

    If you will listen to The American View radio show
    137 http://www.theamericanview.com/index.php?id=967, you will hear Mr. Huckabee: Refusing to defend the Christian faith and running away from his having once said that America must be taken back for Christ; saying he would have no problem appointing atheists to positions in his administration (what would an oath mean to such an unbeliever?).

    In addition, Mr. Huckabee refuses to support and say what God says about homosexuality; he opposes criminal penalties for women who murder their children by abortion; and, of course, there's that unbelievably stupid and dishonest press conference where he said he had done an anti-Romney but decided not to show it – and then he showed it to the press corps so they could see what he wasn't going to show! Then, after supposedly spiking his anti-Romney ad, he appeared on network TV making some of the same charges that were in the ad he, alledgedly, killed!


    Christians, above all others, should speak honestly and plainly letting their yeas be yea, their nays be nay (Matthew 5:37, James 5:12) lest the cause of Christ be disgraced and ridiculed. But, alas, Mr. Huckabee is not such a plain, honest speaker. In many ways, without exaggerating, it could be said that he is a political cuttlefish who, even, when confronted with direct quotes re: things he actually said, squirts cloud-after-cloud of obfuscating verbal ink all over his questioner the result being that many times one forgets the question he was being asked – that being, of course, his intention. Cuttlefish, incidentally, have been called the chameleons of the sea because of their remarkable ability to rapidly alter their skin color at will.

    If you'd like to interview John Lofton, you may reach him by calling: 301-873-4612; 410-760-8885; or by email: JLof@aol.com.
