
Watchman Report 6/5/16

The Millennial-Day Theory: 6,000 Years Old?

Read about it here:







What do the Jews think is the Last Secret to Be Revealed Before the Messiah?

Why Is There Suddenly Such A Huge Push For 'Mark Of The Beast' Technology?

Giant swarm of locusts fills the sky in terrifying footage

Virgin Mary statue 'crying a single tear of blood' prompts mass pilgrimage

Just what sustains Earth's magnetic field anyway?

Censored: Facebook deletes a conservative author's page

Facial recognition will soon end your anonymity

After secret Harvard meeting, scientists announce plans for synthetic human genomes

New CRISPR system for targeting RNA

Ex-Witch: How Tattoos Relate to Occultic Blood Rituals

Major breakthrough as doctors reverse symptoms of a stroke

U.S. Cellphone Study Fans Cancer Worries

Disfiguring tropical disease sweeps across Middle East

Zika May Be Transmitted by Oral Sex, Scientists Find

Why outbreak of super gonorrhoea is proving difficult to contain

Mysterious Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak Stumps Disease Detectives

India hospital transfusions infect thousands with HIV

Deadly Rains Wreak Havoc in Parts of US, Europe

OPEC fails to agree policy but Saudis pledge no shocks

Don't count on this oil 'wild card' coming back anytime soon

Not Just for the History Books: Tens of Millions Living in Slavery Today

Anonymous Declares War on Mainstream Media: Attacks Fox, CNN, NBC and More

A Pro-Israel Moment at the United Nations?

Islamic State Threatens Terror Attacks in U.S., Europe

'Great Satan' USA & 'evil' Britain not to be trusted - Iran's leader

A Vatican conspiracy persists, and a bigger mystery unfolds

Pope Francis vows to remove pedophile cover-up bishops with new church law

Pope Francis Mangles Matthew 28 and Confuses the Masses

Did the Roman Catholic Church work to create socialism in the United States?

Potential Terrorists Being Smuggled into US from Mexico

Obama's Refugee Policy: Yes to Potential Terrorists, No to Victims of Genocide

Crisis Equals Opportunity: Desperate Refugees Disillusioned with Islam

California Lt. Governor’s Anti-Gun Remarks Anger Civil Rights Groups

Commentary: How long before North Korea can nuke a U.S. city?

Trump: The Principled Choice

Obama Tries to Trash Donald Trump and Turns into a Stuttering Mess

How Hilary's foreign policy 'succeeded' for Iran

Violent California Protesters Play Right Into Donald Trump’s Hand

Judge Nap: Hillary's 'Grave Legal Troubles' Will Come to a Head Very Soon

Clinton Might Not Be the Nominee

Bernie Should Hit Hillary With the Dubious Donations in 'Clinton Cash'

Glenn Beck Calls for Trump's Assassination

Michelle Obama: Every Day, 'I Wake Up in a House That Was Built by Slaves'

Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Drops in May

The Startling Truth About How Working Families Are Truly Faring In This Economy

First Rise in U.S. Death Rate in Years Surprises Experts

MPD officer fatally run over by suspected triple shooter's vehicle

Appeals Court Delivers Devastating Blow to Cellphone-Privacy Advocates

Franklin Graham: 'Sickening' Fort Riley Canceled Prayer Breakfast

Judge Sentences Man to 3 Months of Church Attendance

6-6-16: Satanists in Los Angeles Will Construct a Giant Pentagram to 'Raise Awareness' for Satanism

Scottsdale won't allow Satanic Temple prayer at council meeting

Rally to Celebrate 'Godless America'

School Calls Police on Young Boy for Sharing Bible Verse

Not Permitted! Christian Student Group Denied Right to Speak Freely

Obama Issues White House Proclamation Today Mandating June As LGBT Pride Month

Franklin Graham Slams ‘Dangerous Riptide of Political Correctness’ — and Goes After Obama Admin’s Transgender Policy

State ACLU Director Resigns After Daughters Frightened By Men In Women’s Restroom

Study: More Americans say they have had gay sex

First baby born with Zika-linked microcephaly in New York tri-state area

US on red alert for devastating earthquake and tsunami to strike

June 7: FEMA Will Hold a Drill to Prepare for a 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake and Tsunami

Barack Obama Warns Americans 'To Be Prepared For A Disaster'

Minor earthquake reported off Massachusetts coast; no damage reported

Moderate earthquake rocks Alaska Peninsula

Mysterious huge crack developing in Wyoming

L.A. fire burns 500 acres, forces evacuations; 3 firefighters hurt

Rain slows, but flooding emergency worsens near Texas Gulf coast

'We want food!', Venezuelans cry at protest near presidency

Venezuela: OAS head calls emergency meeting over crisis

8 Lessons That We Can Learn From The Epic Economic Meltdown In Venezuela

'It's Time to Leave NATO Now!' Europeans Launch New Anti-War Campaign

3 US B-52 heavy bombers fly to Europe for joint NATO Baltic military drills

European Union Declares War on Internet Free Speech

State Department Issues New Travel Alert for Europe

Polygamy: Europe's Hidden Statistic

67 ways life may change if the UK 'Brexits'

BBC Tells White Applicants It Only Hires ‘Ethnic Minority Backgrounds’

Jesus, Marx & Darwin would be banned from UK universities today – Oxford academic

Paris floods peak during 'peace talk' push

Paris floods: Seine at 30-year high as galleries close

Houses collapse during severe floods in southern Germany

Festival Called Off After Lightning Injuries

Gotthard Base Tunnel In Switzerland Opens With Bizarre Satanic Ritual Ceremony

Switzerland's voters rejects socialist basic income plan

Swedish Gov’t Kicks Family Out Of Housing To Make Room For Refugees

Israel is 'Eternal Enemy' of Greeks, Christians, says Greek Lawmaker

Israel Celebrates 49th Jerusalem Day

Israel Gay Pride Police Arrest Nursery School Teacher to Protect Parade

Conservative rabbis adopt resolution backing transgender rights

Taking defense post, Liberman says Israeli unity trumps holding land

American Jews Warn Israeli Leader of Possible 'Rupture'

Report: Israeli decree calls on Wakf to end 'damaging' Temple Mount construction

Obama punts again on moving US embassy to Jerusalem – will 2017 end stalemate?

"Build the wall" Trump plans July trip to Israel

Lebanon: Hezbollah Digging Tunnels Into Israel

Israel-Palestinian two-state solution 'in serious danger'

Israel-Palestinian peace initiatives are suddenly popping up everywhere

Palestinian Authority FM: Conclusions of Paris Summit to be non-binding

Saudi FM: Arab Peace Initiative is the best solution

Saudi calls on Israel to accept 2002 Arab peace initiative

TV report: Netanyahu 'said yes' to regional peace efforts in call with Kerry

'Guardians of Democracy' Call For Revolt in Israel

US-led airstrikes destroy an ISIS weapons cache in Syria

Russia: Temporary ceasefire introduced for 48 hours in Damascus suburb of Daraya

USS Truman airstrikes ISIS from the Mediterranean

Syria conflict: US-backed fighters 'advance on IS-held Manbij'

ISIS Executioner 'The Bulldozer' Captured by Syrian Army

Death toll from Russian air strikes in Idlib climbs to 23: monitor

It Is Being Reported That Turkish Military Forces Have Entered Syria

Egypt warship: First French-made Mistral ship handed over

Saudi Arabia expands its anti-Iran strategy beyond the Mideast

Jordan’s New ‘Pro-Israel’ Prime Minister Hani Fawi al-Mulki

Thousands fleeing Fallujah, crossing the Euphrates river

Russia demands Turkey withdraw troops from Iraq

Pro-Iranian militia chief accuses US of helping ISIS in Fallujah

Turkey's Unit International says agrees $4.2 billion deal to build Iran power plants

Is Obama's Iran Deal a 'Dhimmi' Contract?

Iran will not co-operate with the US, Khamenei says

Taliban gunmen storm Afghan courthouse killing prosecutor, 7 others

Bangladesh: All about Israel-Hating

Bangladeshi Christian Hacked to Death

32 Soldiers Feared Dead, 67 Others Wounded In Niger Clash With Boko Haram Fighters

Kerry Cautions China on Actions in South China Sea

China tells U.S., don't let allies set South China Sea policy

China confirms its warships to join major U.S.-hosted naval drills

China Goes on Spree of Strengthening Military Alliances After Vietnam Shifts West

China to 'pressure' U.S. on maritime issues, paper says

US 'provocations' may force China to declare air defense zone in S. China Sea – report

Earthquake measuring 6.1 shakes parts of Taiwan, including capital

Magnitude 7.2 earthquake strongest since 1999 killer quake: CWB

Tremors felt in Singapore as 6.5-magnitude quake strikes Sumatra

South Korea says North Korea missile launch likely failed

U.S. takes further steps to block North Korea's access to financial system

4.9 magnitude earthquake shakes Surigao del Sur

Indonesian earthquake causes injuries, damages buildings

Large, complex and dangerous weather system developing over Australia

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