
Watchman Report 5/30/16


Video Captures Strange Object Near Ohio Military Base

Is the Sun disintergrating? NASA spots monster hole open up on our star

NASA launches spacecraft to stop Earth-bound killer asteroid

40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now As The Crust Of The Earth Becomes Increasingly Unstable

Series of high-magnitude earthquakes around the world

You’ll Never Guess How Signs of Messianic Days are Manifesting in Modern Technology

Scripture in a Digital Age: Out with King James, In with Emoji Bible

Biblical Numerology Hints at Obama’s Destructive Role in the Messianic Process

Billy Graham's Daughter: God Keeping My Father Alive Might Have Something to Do With the 'Return of Jesus'

Does Newest Knesset Member Yehudah Glick Fulfill Jerusalem Prophecy of Zachariah?

Rabbi Calls for a Public Disputation About God

The One World Religion Cometh: Pope Francis Warmly Welcomes Top Islamic Cleric To The Vatican

Has the Pope Abandoned Europe to Islam?

'Son of Hamas' says Islam is the problem

ISIS Calls for 'Month of Conquest, Jihad' Against EU, US

ISIS Genocide of Religious Minorities: Has the US Fallen Asleep?

What to expect from the G-7 summit in Japan

Former Morgan Stanley economist says don’t listen to the ruling elite: the world economy is in real trouble

May 2016: Will Deutsche Bank Survive This Wave Of Trouble Or Will It Be The Next Lehman Brothers?

China Has Quietly Bailed Out Over $220 Billion In Bad Debt In The Past 2 Months

North Korea Linked to Digital Attacks on Global Banks

Militants are controlling OPEC's oil production

The Oil World in Chaos

Struggling energy companies are getting money from an unlikely source

An Inside Look at the World’s Biggest Paper Gold Market

Netherlands to grow human embryos for research

Worst Fears Realized: Drug Resistant Superbug Finally Here

The plan to infect mosquitoes with bacteria to stop disease

Mind-reaching machine could soon turn your secret thoughts into speech

Facial profiling: Israeli start-up says its tech can detect terrorists from just looking at a face

The FBI’s secret biometrics database they don’t want you to see

Robots will rule us all: The future of policing is the stuff of dystopian science fiction

A Shocking News Report Says That Someday We Will Be Microchipping All Of Our Children

Governments Turn to Commercial Spyware to Intimidate Dissidents

China’s scary lesson to the world: Censoring the Internet works

Facebook Will Now Track You and Force Feed You Ads Even If You Don't Use It

Facebook Community Page Touts 'Health Benefits' of Islamic Female Genital Mutilation

60 Arabs Arrested for Incitement to Violence on Facebook

ISIS fighters seem to be trying to sell sex slaves online

Anne Graham Lotz: 'America Is in Danger if the Church Doesn't Wake Up'

Threat from Russian and Chinese warplanes mounts

The Relationship Between The United States And China Is Officially Going Down The Tubes

US Ends Decades-Long Arms Embargo on Vietnam

Obama 'engagement' policy 'enabled Boston, San Bernardino attacks'

State Department sets new single-day record for Syrian refugee approvals

'An Extremely Dangerous Bill': This State Could Be First to Put Gun Owners Into Federal Database

Saudi Arabia ups ante with claim US false flagged 9/11

Obama administration officials warn lawmakers over Iran sanctions

Khamenei: US 'can’t do a damn thing' about our missile program

Pew Poll Proves Progressive Democrats Are Not Fans of Israel

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe Under FBI Investigation For Possible Campaign Violations

6 Giant Corporations Control The Media, And Americans Consume 10 Hours Of 'Programming' A Day

National Debt Up $1 Trillion Since December

Dollar nears 10-week high on Fed views; stocks rally

Another real estate crisis is on the economic horizon

Obama races to cement the big Pacific Rim trade deal that all his potential successors oppose

EPA Just Declared War On Millions of Car Owners

Obama's Fast and Furious guns linked to another 69 dead

Baltimore Blames ‘White People’ After Cop Found Not Guilty In Freddie Gray Case

A Spirit Of Violence And Civil Unrest Is Rising In America

US elections: Violent protests at Trump New Mexico rally

Bill Kristol Announces That 'There Will Be An Independent Candidate' To Sabotage Donald Trump

Communists Cheer for Hillary and Bernie

Inspector General Finds Hillary Clinton Violated Federal Records Act By Deleting Emails

Judicial Watch President: State Dept. Official’s Deposition Was ‘Embarrassing’ For Hillary

Romanian hacker who says he breached Clinton server finalizing plea deal

Why Do So Many Preachers In America Refuse To Talk About Hell?

Satanists Plan to Celebrate 6/6/16 in L.A.

Is this demonic 'Devil's Bible' the work of Satan himself?

Target stock continues to plunge amid boycott

11 States Sue over Obama’s Transgender Directive

Bible verse prompts GOP walkout after LGBT vote labeled a sin

Judge rules in California's open-bathrooms fight

New York City Lets You Choose From 31 Different Gender Identities

The Next Wave: 'Puppy Play', 'Ecosexuals' And 'Polyamory'

United Methodist Church Backs Off Abortion

U.S. sees first case of bacteria resistant to last-resort antibiotic

Zika expert warns that the virus is set to reach the US 

Feds expect more Atlantic tropical storms than last 3 years

Texas Flash Floods: Families Still in Shock over Fast-Rising Waters

Small 2.2 Earthquake Directly On New Madrid Fault

4.1 Magnitude Earthquake Reported Near Duchesne

Preliminary 3.5-Magnitude Quake Rattles Upland Area

June 7: FEMA Will Hold A Drill To Prepare For A 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake And Tsunami

Canada's Trudeau defends assisted suicide bill as deadline nears

UNICEF lobbies Canadian Parliament to allow euthanasia for children

Quake shakes southern Mexico

Venezuela Drifts Into New Territory: Hunger, Blackouts and Government Shutdown

2 more journalists go missing in lawless area of Colombia

Doctors: Postpone or move Olympics due to Zika

Opposing Worldviews on Display During Two of the World's 'Largest Events'

Mapped: The expanding empire of the EU and the countries that could be next to join

Plans for EU army kept secret from voters

Europe’s migrant deal with Turkey may be unraveling. But it was flawed from the start.

Migrant crisis: UK set to send Royal Navy warship to Libya

London airport mulls plans to adopt Israeli 'ring of steel' security regime

UK's Co-operative Group - Boycotting Israeli Produce

Historic Move: Churches Overlook Same-Sex Marriage to Unite

Sweden's Migrant Rape Epidemic

Quake jolts Azerbaijani sector of Caspian Sea

1,400 US soldiers & 400 vehicles head to Baltics for Saber Strike drills

Putin blasts West on first trip to EU country this year

Greece's Tsipras condemns sanctions against Russia

Magnitude 5.5 earthquake rocks Crete

Netanyahu’s government may be near collapse, report says

Avigdor Lieberman named as Israel's defence minister

Israel forming civil defense units in Arab and Jewish villages

Knesset warns Arab MKs against Temple Mount visits during Ramadan

Why Putin sent a lost Israeli tank home

Jerusalem forest fire prompts residents to evacuate neighborhoods

Netanyahu tells French PM he rejects Paris peace bid, but offers to meet Abbas

Royce concerned Obama will support French peace initiative

Egypt seeks to advance own Israeli-Palestinian peace initiaitve

IAF strikes Hamas targets after rockets launched into Israel

Hamas Plans 13 Public Executions in Gaza Strip

Iran to renew financial support for Islamic Jihad after two-year hiatus

Israel and the Palestinians: What the media won't report

Egypt: Elderly Christian woman stripped naked and paraded through streets by mob

Satellite imagery reveals ISIS's successful attack against a Russian airbase in Syria

Syria conflict: Deadly blasts rock Assad strongholds

Syria conflict: Chief opposition negotiator resigns

Syria war: Turkey anger over US commando photos

Christians in This Area Are Only Allowed to Attend Church Once a Year

Yemen conflict: IS suicide bomber kills army recruits in Aden

ISIS use 50,000 civilians as 'human shields' as Iraqi forces blitz Fallujah

ISIS plans to ignite ethnic war in Fallujah upon leaving the city, document allegedly reveals

Iran says its pilgrims will not attend haj in Saudi

Iran hardliner Jannati elected head of Assembly of Experts

Afghan Taliban announce successor to Mullah Mansour

The Hit on the Taliban Leader Sent a Signal to Pakistan

Outrage In Pakistan Over Bid To Allow 'Light Beating' Of Wives

India’s roads melt as record-breaking heat wave continues

South Africa approves land expropriation bill

Spate of earthquakes rattle eastern Taiwan

5.3-magnitude earthquakes hit Tibet, no casualties reported

North Korean envoy rejects Trump overture to meet leader

Tectonic plate quake-trigger spots accumulating in Nankai Trough

Mount Sinabung: Thick layer of ash covers villages after eruption

Earthquake jolts Saumlaki, Maluku

Earthquake measuring 6.5 magnitude strikes deep off Tonga

Australia immigration: Rival Melbourne rallies spark clashes

Magnitude 7.3 Earthquake Hits South Atlantic Near Antarctica

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