
Watchman Report 6/10/13

Pope To Organize "Peace Meeting" 
Between World’s Three Major Religions

Israel-Vatican deal on land use said imminent

American and European Lawmakers Call for a United Jerusalem

The Global March to Jerusalem

Abbas: Israel Seeks to Build Holy Temple

Rebuilding Israel's Temple Mount

The Vatican and Islam

Is Pope Francis a heretic?

Arabs Fete 'New Mahdi," Establishment of Calpihate

Large US Marine force lands in Aqaba to deploy on Jordanian-Syrian border

Putin offers troops to replace Austrians on Golan, speaks with Netanyahu

Putin acts to override Israeli, UN objections to Russian troops on the Golan

Russia announces permanent Mediterranean naval presence

The Wheels of War

Enter Petrus Romanus

The World Council of Churches Attacks Israel and Christian Zionism

Al-Qaida leader calls for Jihad against Israel

Middle East Power Vacuum

Bilderberg agenda: Western elites meet to determine the future of Middle East and Africa

The Oracle of Delphi—Was She Really Stoned?

SAT-7 Arabic now available live on YouTube

Survey finds worldwide split over attitudes toward gays

Current Hal Lindsey Report

UN debates use of killer robots

Stealing from the gods: Bilderberg and the new dawn of man

Harvard Scientists Create 'Cyborg' Flesh That Blurs The Line Between Man And Machine

This Man Is Not a Cyborg. Yet.

Psybernetics: How Future Technology Will Enhance Psychic Abilities

Tiny Helicopter Piloted By Human Thoughts

Emerging Technologies and the Paradigm Shifts Therein

What happens when our machines get smarter than we are?

Mission Impossible-style contact lenses that can take pictures and scan data are a step closer to reality as scientists develop LED soft lenses

The biometrics boom

Boston University, CBORD bring biometrics, contactless ID cards to students

Brain Says Guilty! Neural Imaging May Nab Criminals

Are Electronic Tattoos The New Form Of Identification?

Plant and human gene modification goes past transgenics

Russia mammoth cloning plan start of Soviet Jurassic Park?

Deadly new MERS virus spreads to Italy and kills three more in Saudi Arabia

Lost in migration: Earth's magnetic field overdue a flip

Asteroid the size of a small truck buzzes Earth: NASA

Space Weather on Par With Tornado Threat, NASA Chief Says

Astrobiology and Exo-Planets

Heat-Seeking, Alien-Hunting Telescope Could Be Ready in 5 Years

On the Trail of the Nephilim

Geoengineering: an earthly gamble

Global majority faces water shortages 'within two generations'

As Pollinators Decline, Plants Could Go It Alone

Rising Red tide: China encircles U.S. by sailing warships in American waters, arming neighbors

China Invited to Participate in RIMPAC Naval Exercise

Chinese hacked Obama, McCain campaigns, took internal documents, officials say

China has 'mountains of data' about U.S. cyber attacks: official

China Allows Return of U.S. Executive Before Xi’s Visit

America’s China policy is broken

Iranian general warns of bio-warfare; Identifies 7 ways of potentially striking America

Al Qaeda chief warns attacks on US in 'everyone's reach'

Muslim Brotherhood Gains Foothold in Boston

Power US ambassador to the UN hoeful receives luke-warm reception from pro-Israel organizations

Obama UN Appointee Called for the Invasion of Israel

U.S. military urged to stop relying on foreign goods

Republican members try to block an Obama program that stops deportations of many young people

12 Clear Signals That The U.S. Economy Is About To Really Slow Down

Is the Fed holding back the world’s largest economy?

U.S. adds 175,000 jobs in May, showing stable but slow recovery

America through the N.S.A.'s "Prism"

DHS Flags Tweets About “Militia,” But Not “Jihad”

Analysis: Few options for companies to defy U.S. intelligence demands

Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations

Now FBI Wants Back Door To All Software

US NSA government secretly collecting phone records of millions of Americans

NSA secretly mining user data from U.S. Internet giants

Obama strongly defends phone and Internet surveillance

Intelligence chief defends online spying, says Congress authorized it and court supervises

Obama calls for cyberwarfare capabilities

Obama's aim: Silence all criticism, cripple freedom

Napolitano: Tyranny just around the corner

Rand Paul: '1984' Has Arrived

Paul wants to lead Supreme Court challenge to fed's tracking of Americans' calls, emails

National security team shuffle may signal more activist stance at White House

Ineptness or Something Else? Unraveling Benghazi

President Obama drowning in corruption scandals

Petition Seeks AG Eric Holder's Resignation Amid IRS Scandal

IRS Agents: Orders Came from Washington

IRS Exempts Terror Front Group Over Tea Party

‘FBI rewriting history in order to help al-Qaeda’

Holder: "Fatigue" could compel me to step down

Rep. Darrell Issa slams Rep. Elijah Cummings: IRS scandal is not ‘solved’

IRS Apologies for Extravagant Conference, Spending

Conservative Manchurian Candidate Radio Talk Show Hosts

Professor calls for NRA members to be shot by firing squad for treason

Battle ahead as Colorado Democrat John Morse fights gun-based recall

Fort Hood Victims Upset; Muslim Fort Hood Shooter Can Question Them

Mosque plans cause concern in small-town TN

Anti-Christian Extremist Finds Cooperation at Pentagon

Why is Christianity Losing in America?

Overall Declining Numbers for Southern Baptists Heartbreaking, Says Leader

Why Are Some Baptist Leaders Mainstreaming Islam?

Pastor of California Church sponsoring interfaith dialogue with Wiccans

Preaching arrest case delayed; attorney explains importance

Atheist monument at Florida courthouse to rival 10 Commandments display

Lawmakers Vote to Oppose Atheist Chaplains in Military

Interview: Valedictorian Roy Costner IV on Ripping Up His Approved Speech, Reciting Lord's Prayer

Lord's Prayer at Graduation

Texas high school silences Valedictorian's microphone during speech on Constitution, report says

Baker Sued for Refusing Gay Couple Wedding Cake

Scientist Fired for Believing Jesus Heals

Hollywood star Steven Seagal vows to fight terrorism

Top Brass Reject Overhauling Military Justice System to Reduce Sexual Assault

HHS Website For Girls, 10 to 16, Informs Youth About Birth Control, Gay Sex, ‘Mutual Masturbation’

Presidential Proclamation -- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, 2013

Groups voice opposition to immorality, Obama’s ‘LGBT Pride Month’

LaBarbera: 'God Is Giving Us Over To Our Sin' and Letting the 'Pro-Homosexual Side' Win

Evangelical Lutherans Elect First Openly Gay Bishop

Kids' cable channel hosts transexual cartoon hero for kids

A boy in the girls' room? 'Gender liberation' bill passes in California

Michelle Obama Confronts Gay Rights Heckler at Fundraiser

Redefine marriage? Include polygamy, incest

Church of God Condemns Homosexuality, Offers Boy Scouts Alternative

FBI probe directed toward pro-life ministry

Catholic NFL Champ Matt Birk Skipped White House Trip Because Obama Said 'God Bless' Planned Parenthood

Project 21: NAACP picked wrong side of Arizona law

Court hearing looms for Alabama abortion clinic that reopened

Another effort to keep pro-lifers from helping women

Oklahoma Tornadoes -- What Did They Do Wrong (Right?)

Fires, floods, storms: Mother Nature sends extremes across U.S.

Flooding causes another Missouri levee breach

Tropical Storm Andrea Races up East Coast

EU Gone Bad: Islam, Tribalism & Economic Crisis

UK: People urged to speak up on online pornography protections

Ireland warned over abortion law: Don't follow mistakes of America

Bible's strong comeback surprises secular Norway

300 detained at Moscow Muslim prayer room following Putin crackdown

Where Did Jesus Teach the Lord's Prayer?

Perfect for a Palace: Find Testifies to David's Royalty

Did David, Solomon Exist? Dig Refutes Naysayers

Moses Finally Vindicated by Israeli Oil

Israeli authorities use far wider surveillance powers than those causing storm in US

Facing small protest, Women of the Wall pray unimpeded

Israel Prods Ultra-Orthodox to ‘Share Burden’

Bethlehem BDS conference turns ugly...for Palestinians

Settlement housing starts nearly triple in 2013

Palestinians lay groundwork for future state

Netanyahu to Palestinians: Give peace a chance

PMO, distancing itself from deputy minister’s comments, says gov’t wants two-state solution

Amid uproar, deputy defense minister stands by rejection of two states

New Palestinian PM signals return to days of Arafat

Red Cross cozies up to Gaza flotilla organizers

Iran ups cyber attacks on Israeli computers: Netanyahu

PM: Israel needs 'digital iron dome' to stop cyber attacks

PM: Israel can't rely on int'l forces for security

As fighting looms closer to home, IDF confronts increased jihadi presence in Golan Heights

Israel hit by missiles from Syria as civil war flares in Golan Heights

Israel aims to stay out of Syria conflict despite Golan friction-PM

The Syrian Domino

Battle for Damascus is over. Is Israel intelligence slow on Syrian war?

UN: Israel threatened to attack Syrian tanks on border

Assad adviser: Israel orchestrating Syrian rebels

UK: 'Credible Evidence' Syria Used Chem. Weapons

France says tests prove Syria used nerve gas; U.S. sends Patriots to Jordan

In Qusayr, Signs of an Intensifying Holy War

Qusayr was a debacle for the West and Israel: Aftershocks in Lebanon, Golan and Gaza Strip

Tanks in Beirut as Syria protest leaves one dead

First clash between Syrian rebels and Iraqi soldiers. Baghdad bankrolls Assad’s war

UN Launches $5B Aid Effort for Syrian Victims

Christians in Syria

Churches giving hope to Syrian refugees

Pakistani Muslim, Egyptian Christian say anti-Zionism IS anti-Semitism

7 Killed in Clashes in Yemen's Capital

Iran's says Arak reactor 1 step closer to completion

Iran Opens New Space-Tracking Center

Imprisoned Iranian Pastor Update

Suicide bombers strike near Kabul airport

The rise of Islamic extremism in Central Asia and the Caucasus

Islamic Traffickers Accuse Christian Rescuers of Forced Conversion

India: Pastors hospitalised after extremist attack

China's Sexual Revolution

Brutal beating documented by human rights group

Chinese pastor loses health in harsh imprisonment

North, South Korea Discuss Improving Relations

Christians fare badly in one of world’s most oppressive countries

Islamic Extremists Kill 13 in Northeast Nigeria

Deadliest place to be a Christian: Nigeria

Bloody Somalia gunfight kills 18

A new country, a new mission field

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