
Watchman Report 5/27/13

Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter huddle
between the Horns of the Bull 

Sun Unleashes Rare Solar Flares

Unpacking the Copernican Principle

Chinese Astronomers Search for Alien Life

The Nephilim Trail

Zenith 2016: America and the Third Reich

Zenith 2016: An Open Conspiracy

Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government

End-Time Mysteries with Jonathan Cahn

Pope Francis Says Atheists Who Do Good Are Redeemed, Not Just Catholics

Religious history: Archaeologists study life during Biblical times

Why so many people–including scientists–suddenly believe in an afterlife

Scientists: the New Priesthood of the Modern Age

Is Robert Downey Jr. Tracking End Times Prophecy by Chuck Missler?

The Current Hal Lindsey Report

Will the West Wake Up?

Billy Graham evangelistic outreach: Over 12,000 churches participate

A huge discovery about prime numbers
Technion Scientists Develop an Advanced Biological Computer

"The Google Brain" --Are Humans Entering a New Epoch of Evolution?

Humans With Amplified Intelligence Could Be More Powerful Than AI

You are your data: The scary future of the quantified self movement

Google to connect a billion or more new people to the internet

Rise of the body hackers: Google, the wearable web and transhumanism

The Arrival of Human Cloning

Send in the clones and the bioethicists

Just What Is Wrong with Human Cloning?

Inside The Orwellian World Of Ad-Funded Face-Recognition Technology

Are you ready for a govt. chip implant?

Robot exoskeleton suits that could make us superhuman

China is making robot soldiers

Control Your Own Drone Army

Mind Control: World's first 3D printed object created using brain waves

3-D printer helps save dying baby

Scientists warn that Earth faces severe water shortages within a generation

Geoengineering: Can We Save the Planet by Messing with Nature?

Evolving: Deadly H7N9 virus develops drug-resistance to Tamiflu

EMP Attack: Will you survive when the lights go out?

Senate Vote Suggests US Should Support Israel in War Against Iran

Search and rescue winds down a day after deadly Oklahoma tornado

Miracles in the Rubble: Oklahoma Tornado Victims Astounded at How They Survived

We're in for another bad hurricane season and a NOAA satellite is offline

Two killed as heavy rains flood San Antonio streets

5.7-magnitude earthquake strikes Northern California

The Big One: Preparing for mid-America earthquake

I-5 bridge collapses in NW Wash.; people in water

Two freight trains collide in Missouri, bringing down overpass

Disaster preparedness is rare, but better and cheaper than after-the-disaster remedies

Amid recent disasters, are we awake?

Why Bad Things Happen to Good People

Wells Dry, Fertile Plains Turn to Dust

U.S. urged to let companies 'hack-back' at IP cyber thieves

‘Somebody ought to have the guts to start talking impeachment’

Leaders, Lies and Terror

Tyranny is no Longer 'Lurking'

Strange Goings-On at the White House

Liberals Are Now Shocked, Shocked at Obama’s Culture of Intimidation

Half of America wants Obama impeached

Aide involved in Benghazi talking points scrubbing promoted by Obama

Holder involved in decision to ask for search warrant for reporter's private emails

IRS spokesperson avoids statements in midst of scandal

Contents of Prayer

Illinois House votes to allow residents to carry concealed guns

Dems moving to increase voter fraud

America’s Roads Have Been Turned Into A Revenue Generating Surveillance Grid

Eyes in the Sky: Drones Coming to a City Near You

Republican rips Obama for meeting with illegal immigrants, icing out officer union

Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform

Senate Panel Approves Even More Stringent Biometric Measures

E-Verify wrong for America

7 Things About The Mainstream Media That They Do Not Want You To Know

Republicans criticize Obama over call for repeal of 2001 use of force law

‘Yes’ to worship

Supreme Court to Weigh In on Prayers at Public Meetings

‘Dear God’ do-over

Atheist group bullies Oklahoma school to remove Ten Commandments

Ohio school district weighs allowing creationism discussion in classrooms

Study: Children Start Watching Porn at Age 6

Army Submits Plan to Open Combat Jobs for Women

Research: Many Churchgoers Not Open about Their Faith

DOJ Forcing Federal Employees to Publicly Affirm Homosexuality

‘Arrogance’ and ‘lawlessness’ at root of DOJ’s pro-LGBT memo

Gallup Poll: Majority Now Say Gay Sex, Unwed Births, Are Morally OK

Illinois African-American Caucus: No Gay Marriage Bill

Boy Scouts approve plan to accept openly gay boys

GLAAD Pushes Boy Scouts to Now Lift Ban on Openly Gay Leaders, Volunteers

Family groups on Boy Scouts’ vote: Expect a mass exodus

Priests Break Up Gay Rights Rally Against Homophobia in Georgia

Taxpayers Spend $536,526 to Study Smoking Cessation for LGBT Community

In Nebraska, abortion nurse may get license yanked

Texas Abortionist Accused of Killing Live Fetuses

Ariz. pro-lifers optimistic despite pro-abortion ruling

Unreported abortions cover up sexual crimes

Assisted suicide legalized in VT, but will it be practiced?

Giant Sphinx Discovered Among Bermuda Triangle Pyramids

British soldier hacked to death by Muslims in London

In London as in Boston, terrorist-killers were known to security services

2 men charged after flight from Pakistan diverted in UK airspace

The real enemy in London hacking death

Far-right marchers rally amid tensions over Woolwich killing

Gay marriage: Christians are experiencing our own kind of exile

Gay marriage could stop Christians becoming teachers or doctors - church leaders

Young UK Christians Fear Job Loss Over Gay Marriage Stance

Church of Scotland drives debate on independence

France’s Growing Islamist Problem

French soldier stabbed while on patrol near Paris

4th night of riots blurs Sweden's happy reputation

'Black widow' bomber attacks Russia police

Quake in Russia’s Far East Prompts Evacuations

Submerged structure stumps Israeli archaeologists

Dead Sea Scroll fragments to hit the auction block

Did ancient beams discarded in Old City come from first and second temples?

An audacious plan at the Western Wall

Nigerian church again blesses Israel

Jewish anti-missionaries take on Messianic believers

Israel's Only Government-Funded Messianic School Averts Forced Closure

Netanyahu: Israel is the most threatened state in the world

Will new US policy hinder Israel’s war on terror?

Kerry Promotes $4 Billion Investment Plan to Boost the Palestinian Economy

Hand-drawn map shows what Olmert offered for peace

Influential Palestinians Say It’s Time for a One-State Solution

Hague: Israel Losing Support in Britain Because of 'Settlements'

Kerry urges renewed talks, not a settlement freeze

Palestinians Wave Nazi Flag over Mosque

Gen. John Allen appointed U.S. security envoy in peace process

Palestinian National Authority Rewriting the Bible

'Assad has enough sarin to wipe out Damascus'

Air force chief warns of ‘surprise war’ with Syria

When Israel hits Syria, it hones military edge for wider war

Israel’s dithering over Golan strikes gives Assad go-ahead for war of attrition

Report: Israel mulls proxy force with Syrian Druze on Golan

After exchange, Israel warns against Golan attacks, says Syria will ‘bear consequences’

Gantz: Assad will pay the price for Golan escalation. Syria: We fired on Israeli patrol

Theater of absurd as Syria slams Israel for health violations on Golan

Rockets hit Hezbollah stronghold, raising fears of widening war

Nasrallah pledges tens of thousands of volunteers to fight for Assad

Nasrallah: We will bring victory to Assad

Hezbollah preparing to attack Israel, commander says

Clashes between al-Assad supporters, opponents leave 16 dead in Lebanon

Breakup of Syria: An Opportunity for Iran to Strike Israel?

Russia still set to sell advanced missiles to Syria

For Russia, Syria is not in the Middle East

Syria To Attend Proposed Peace Talks

Syrian opposition leader does not know whereabouts of missing bishops

Syria and the War on Christians: Should the U.S. Intervene?

Iraq violence kills 8, wounds dozens

U.N. atomic agency: Iran expands nuclear technology

Persecuted Pastor Abedini Writes Thank-You Letter From Torturous Prison

Maoist Attack in India Kills Congress Party Officials

Blistering heat wave leads to violent protests in India

Hackers Find China Is Land of Opportunity

Brutal beating documented by human rights group

14 killed in new anti-terror Philippine offensive

Militants Turn Nigeria into Christian Killing

Shabaab claim deadly Kenya-Somalia border attack

American Missionary Mysteriously Disappears in Africa

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