
Watchman Report 5/2/11

Osama Bin Laden Is...DEAD

Prophecy Against Gaza

Europe considering recognition of Palestine

Global Monetary Masters Call for Palestinian State

Obama's plan: Palestinian state, without right of return

US Congress Threatens to Cut P.A. Aid after Unity Deal

Revisiting the Jordan option

US Senator Disagrees with UN Palestinian State

Egypt calls on US to recognize Palestinian state

U.N. Resolution 377

Killer Combo of High Gas, Food Prices at Key Tipping Point

20 Signs That A Horrific Global Food Crisis Is Coming

One Shock Away

Second coming could be high-tech: US evangelist

U.S. Panel ID's World's Top Religious Persecutors

Age of America Ends

IMF bombshell: Age of America nears end

National Day of Prayer is May 5th, 2011
Find a National Day of Prayer Event Near You by Clicking HERE!

...or Watch the National Observance LIVE from Washington DC by clicking HERE!

Rick Perry Calls on Texans to Pray for Rain to Battle Wildfires

Deadly Twisters 'Worst Disaster Since Katrina'

Salvation Army responds to US tornado devastation

Volunteers Aid Victims in Storm-Ravaged South

Mayor Evacuates Flood-Threatened Illinois City

Dr. Timothy George, "Barmen & Manhattan: A Tale of Two Declarations"

Global Bible reading to mark 400th anniversary of King James Bible

Congressional Resolution on the King James Bible to be held in the Nation's Capitol on May 2-3, 2011

Poll: 400 years later, KJV Bible still popular

Sen. Rand Paul Vows Blueprint for a New America

Congress Must Demand Details of New START Implementation

Boehner Invitation to Netanyahu Puts Obama on the Spot

'Embarrassingly ignorant' climate change assessment

Senators Battle Environmentalists Seeking to Ban Lead in Ammunition, Fishing Tackle

Huckabee Criticizes Obama in NRA Address

1,100 People Get Saved at ‘Sin City’ Easter Outreach

Franklin Graham on 'The Heart-Breaking Reality of Hell'

Many Born-Again Christians Hold Universalist Views, Barna Finds

Most people believe in God, international poll finds

Utah Asks Supreme Court to Uphold Validity of Cross Memorials

Republican Presidential Hopefuls Get Religious Scrutiny Before 2012 Primary Campaign

The Faith of the 2012 Candidates

Controversial Florida Pastor Terry Jones Goes Face to Face with Dearborn Imam

VFW Calls Out Quran-Burning Pastor

Suit filed over treatment of Jews

'Horrendous' anti-Semitism at California university

ABC Apologizes to Dr. Price for Misleading Report

Illegal to read Bible in public?

Teens ambushed on MTV with God's love

The Catholic Exodus

Lady Gaga, Catholic Church Exchange Blows

Survey Reveals Decade-Long 'Erosion' of Traditional U.S. Congregations

Westboro Prodigal Slams Hateful Father

Up From the Ashes

Marines get trained on accepting gay recruits

Boehner Hires Lawyer to Defend DOMA, Demands DOJ Pick Up the Tab

Pro-homosexual ENDA Reintroduced in the Senate

Montana Judge Rejects Gay Couple Rights Suit

Arizona Becomes Latest Battleground for Same-Sex Adoptions

Indiana Ready to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding?

House votes Wednesday (May 4th) on "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act."

Five Truths about Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Ignores Fetal Pain; Goes After Personhood Amendments

Another NAF Abortion Clinic Transports Injured Woman Via Ambulance

TX abortionist faces more ethics investigations

Court Allows Federal Funding of Stem Cell Research

Prenatal pesticide exposure linked with lower IQ

If Discussing Criticisms of Darwin's Theory Amounts to Promoting Intelligent Design...

So Called 'Junk DNA' Keeps Demonstrating Purpose

Where does good come from?

Apple, Google Collect User Data and Locations

High-Tech Police Spying Sparks Privacy Battle

Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops

Feds mine Facebook for info

Do It Yourself Biotechnology?

Future Congress

An Industrial Robot Made Entirely of Legos Sorts 48 Items Per Minute

Dry ice is prompting new look at Mars

CIA Cover-Up Alleged in JFK's 'Secret UFO Inquiry'

U.S.-Mexico Border Prayer Initiative Making Impact

Churches Help Cubans through Economic Transition

U.K. expels Libyan envoy as UN readies to pull out of Tripoli

The God Particle

Hungary Joins Global Movement to Affirm Personhood Rights of Preborn

Radical Islamic Threat Grips Denmark

Russian Evangelicals Leery of Orthodox Church

Medvedev wants to stay on as Russian president, says leading MP

Russia to double production of ballistic missile systems - Putin

Schwarzenegger may have sights on EU presidency

Europe prepares for potentially worst drought in more than a century

Easter at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem

Ultra-Orthodox burned leavened food before Passover began

San Remo's Mandate: Israel's 'Magna Carta'

Mount Hermon: Gate of the Fallen Angels

Poll: Most Egyptians favor annulling peace with Israel

Egypt among worst religion violators

Egypt's Christians: A Dying Population?

Christians flee from coming Islamic law

Convert from Islam escapes Egypt with daughter

Egypt Islamists Defiant Over Christian Governor

IAEA Confirms Syrian Nuclear Site

Syrian Oppression

Syrian deaths soar as tanks, snipers, commandos mow down civilians

Muslim Brotherhood Backs Syrian Protesters

Resurrection and Recognition: Armenians Call for National Day of Prayer in Honor of Easter, Memory of Genocide

Activists: New Gaza flotilla in final planning stages

Afghan Christian remains behind bars

Two Christians slain in Pakistan

11 Christians facing trial in Iran

Does ultimatum mean Iran will invade Saudi Arabia?

Christian broadcast to India starts tomorrow

Security tight at Indonesian churches

Indonesian Police Stop Bomb Plot on Good Friday

Indonesian Christian expo 'extraordinary'

Philippine landslide leaves 1 dead, 40 missing

Leading the World From Korea

Operation Blessing China Saves Young Mom’s Life

Data Leaks in China Give Some Investors an Edge

In a Mass Police Action, All of Shouwang Church's Leaders Detained or Put Under House Arrest

China Tells US 'Don't Interfere' Ahead of Rights Talks

Government Persecution of Church in China Worsens for Fifth Straight Year

Concern for detained Chinese Christian lawyers

Dream school launches church leaders in Tanzania

New Christian Convert from Islam Murdered in Somalia

Prosecution unlikely for Muslim murderers

Election leaves Christians under fire in 3rd African nation

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