
Watchman Report 2/28/11

Is Current Unrest Biblical Signposts?

The Mystery of the Golden Calf

Satan’s Long Long Story: Part 1

Satan’s Long Long Story: Part 2

Satan’s Long Long Story: Part 3

Matching grant could bring in $3.5 million for the Gospel

Earth's Sun is Waking up! - Solar Explosion

Get ready for a 'global Katrina': Biggest ever solar storm

Will The Death Of The Dollar Lead To The Birth Of A New World Economic Order?

Shortages! Is The World Really Running Out Of Food, Water And Oil?

Choking America's Lifeblood - High Oil Prices Could Devastate The Economy

Severe storms, tornadoes, floods pound Midwest

West Texas wildfires scorch 80,000 acres; 1 death

Largest earthquake since 1969 rattles Arkansas

Wildfire closes I-95, prompts evacuations in Fla.

Obama’s Budget Quadruples National Debt Interest

A National ID Card For American Citizens? Get Ready – The Real ID Act Goes Into Effect On May 11

FBI: Muslim Brotherhood deeply rooted inside U.S.

Attys seek records in Oregon Islamic charity trial

FBI violated 1st Amendment rights of Muslims, suit alleges

ABA's response to anti-sharia bills

Oklahoma Police Captain Faces Disciplinary Action for Refusing to Attend Islamic Event

Farrakhan: Mideast uprisings will come to US

Farrakhan's Nation of Islam to Argue UFOs Are Real

Obama to face Shariah court?

Democrat urges unions to 'get a little bloody when necessary'

Santorum: Left hates 'Christendom'

Social Conservatives in the Age of Red Ink

Our Churches Are under Attack

Proposed envoy would promote religious freedom

2nd Circuit upholds Vermont cop's action on loud preacher

Church Wins Discrimination Case at Ninth Circuit

Judge fines NJ Town for allowing Lord’s Prayer

Christians work behind the scenes in Hollywood

Jailed polygamist retakes control of church

Christian churches welcoming Muslim worship?

Tea Party summit: A 40-year plan to take America back

Faith Groups Challenge Gays to 'Debate' not 'Hate'

Obama Won't Defend Defense of Marriage Act

Sign an electronic petition to defend marriage by clicking HERE!

Duplicity revealed in DOMA decision?

KUHNER: Obama’s homosexual America -- President champions the culture of death

Be Not Afraid: Martin Niemoller's Courageous Stand

Hawaii governor signs gay civil unions into law

Maryland Senate approves same-sex marriage

Army Begins DADT Repeal Training

Christians need to prepare for normalisation of gay marriage

Pro-Life Leaders Mourn Black Genocide

John Boehner and GOP Leaders Betray Tea Party, Pro-lifers, and Unborn Babies

Kermit Gosnell and abortion clinic regulation: Did pro-choice politics protect him?

Pro-Abortion Domestic Terrorist Arrested, Jailed by FBI for Threats Against Pro-lifers

Valentine’s Day Vigil Against Planned Parenthood Successful

Abortion reform advances in KS Legislature

Iowa Lawmakers Push Late-Term Abortion Bill

ADF defending Carleton pro-lifers

Comments Filed With HHS regarding Conscience Rules

Antiabortion Billboard in SoHo Draws Ire

Anti-abortion groups praise Bieber

Drug Maker Wants Abortion Pill Available to Minors

Comprehensive sex-ed – here it comes

Climate 'science' grant = 'recruiting tool'

Fast New Smartphone Network May Threaten GPS, FCC Fears

District uses GPS to track truant students

Artificial Skin Gets a Solar-Powered Upgrade

Revealed: Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people

Tiny Drone Spies Mimic Birds, Insects

Mexico economic growth hits 10-year high

Murder of pastors leaves evangelicals in Honduras feeling vulnerable

American Missionary Imprisoned in Haiti Since October

High Court upholds bar on Christian foster carers over homosexuality views

Russia unveils huge rearmament drive

Russian army to receive advanced weaponry in 2011

EU approves wide sanctions against Libya

We shouldn't be afraid of saying 'Rabbi Jesus'

Is Israel Becoming More Isolated?

Huckabee: Israelis Feel US Cast Them to Wolves

IDF deputy chief: Israel's army needs faith in God more than tanks

Nearly 3,000 Palestinians rally against U.S. veto on settlement resolution

Quartet to Push New Negotiations

Netanyahu wary of new international efforts in peace process

Netanyahu: Israel can't ignore world pressure over settlement construction

Bomb Thrown at Christian Doctor's Car in Gaza

Barak: Assad ready to consider Israel-Syria peace deal

A first taste of the New Middle East

Time for the Arab world to hear the Gospel

War Coming to the Middle East?

Earthquake Shakes Up Suez Canal as Iran Warships Approach

Egypt's Christians asked to bow in submission to Allah

Primacy of Islam and Shari’a Law Expected to Remain in Egypt’s Constitution

Libya Unrest's Worldwide Impact

Qaddafi's air force ferries fresh troops for Tripoli

U.S. Repositions Ships Near North Africa

Food prices spiral in Libya capital amid crackdown

Did Gadhafi order Pan Am bombing?

Mideast turmoil rattles Iran-Saudi standoff

'World economy will fall if revolts spread to Saudi Arabia'

Middle East oil war spreads. First demos in Saudi Arabia

Turkey: The Sleeping Giant Of Islam

Top two Iranian opposition leaders secretly jailed. West fails to act

Afghani Christian Said Musa released from prison

US repositions troops in eastern Afghanistan

Heavy fines imposed in Turkmenistan

Afghan converts fear return home after India denies refuge

Pastors under attack in Sri Lanka

Wycliffe Seeks $1.5 Million in Indonesia Bible Translation Efforts

South Korean war games prompt threats from North Korea

Case of imprisoned Chinese Christian up for review

Nigerian Christians killed in targeted attacks

Ethiopian Muslims warn Christians to convert, leave city or face death

Rental Car 'Big Brother' is Watching You Down Under

New Zealand earthquake caught on tape: CCTV footage from Christchurch shops

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