
Like 'Father', Like Son

Like 'Father', like son?
Like 'Father', like son?

What am I supposed to think about this Barack Hussein Obama character who wants to be my president?

Let's look at the facts:

1. Barack's biological father was a Muslim.

2. Barack's step-father was a Muslim.

3. Barack was educated for 4 years in predominantly Muslim Indonesia.

4. Barack attends Trinity United Church of Christ which feels free to spout anti-semitism and racism which Barack maintained that he knew nothing about. (See also #10)

5. Barack's longtime pastor and spiritual adviser, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, is a racist and hates America.

6. Barack's pastor, Rev. Wright, states that Louis Farrakhan's (Muslim leader in America) "depth on analysis [sic] when it comes to the racial ills of this nation is astounding and eye-opening. He brings a perspective that is helpful and honest."

7. Barack's pastor, Rev. Wright, stated, "When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli" to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, "a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell."

8. Barack's pastor, Rev. Wright’s, relationship with Louis Farrakhan, once described by Obama as a "close" relationship.

9. Like Wright, Farrakhan has repeatedly made hate-filled statements targeting Jews (calling Judaism a "gutter religion"), whites, America, and homosexuals. He has called whites "blue-eyed devils" and the "anti-Christ." He has described Jews as "bloodsuckers" who control the government, the media, and some black organizations.

10. Barack lied about "not hearing" Reverend Wright's hate-filled and racist sermons.

11. Barack's church defends their racism and hatred.

12. Barack says, "with Wright retiring from the pulpit, [I don't] see an issue with [my] family remaining in the congregation."

Ok, so tell me, please, why I should vote for this guy?

Even if I didn't know his record on abortion, gun rights, or homosexuality, why would I vote for a guy who's had these types of influences in his life? Who in their right mind would remain a member of a church that promotes racism and speaks highly of Muslim leaders (see point #6 above)? More to the point, why would I want a person who remains a member of a church like this knowing full well that their church honors these types of practices (see points #11 and #12 above)???

My critics might say, "but Obama said, 'with Wright retiring from the pulpit, [I don't] see an issue with [my] family remaining in the congregation.'"

Big woopty-doo! As you can see in point #11 above, Obama's church sees nothing wrong with their racism and hatred. The shepherd may have retired, but the flock is still repeating after him!

Let's not forget that these folks associate themselves with a Muslim leader (Louis Farrakhan). The Koran demands the destruction of all infidels (anyone that is not a Muslim--including Christians). Farrakhan calls Judaism a "gutter religion" (see point #9 above). He calls Jews "bloodsuckers" and whites as being the anti-Christ. Obama even admits that Wright and Farrakhan have a "close" relationship (see point #8 above)!

FARRAKHAN--If you're reading, ISLAM IS THE GUTTER RELIGION! Mohammed hijacked another pagan religion to make Islam because the Jews and Christians wouldn't let him teach in their churches and synagogues! Mohammed is a FAKE! More to come on this subject in another post.

WRIGHT--If you're reading this, THE JEWS ARE GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE! Read Deuteronomy 14:2, Deuteronomy 7:6, Acts 3:13-15, Genesis 17:19, and Genesis 26:2-5 in that bible that you claim to represent! Not only that, but JESUS WAS A JEW (Matthew 1:1-16)!

Obama's spiritual advisor, Rev. Wright, traveled with Farrakhan to Tripoli to meet with QADDAFI (see point #7 above)! Remember him? Didn't we bomb his country in the '80s???

Besides that, Obama LIED about not hearing some of the hateful and racist sermons according to Newsmax in point #10 above! At least Bill Clinton waited until he had been in office for a while before he lied to the nation.

Again, my critics might say, "But aren't you being a little drastic? Aren't you unfairly judging Barack by all these other people that he knows?"

No...I really don't think I am being drastic. I think you can make very accurate judgements about someone's character by observing the people that they choose to associate with. And everyone knows that if you lie with the dogs, then you're gonna get fleas.

So who should we vote for?

Well, I would like to say that we should vote for Mike Huckabee--he's the real deal. Unfortunately, we don't have that option any more. I guess we could try to pencil him in on our ballots. Something tells me that isn't gonna work...

Vote for Hillary? In your dreams...have you all forgotten about what happened to Vince Foster? I bet she still has some of his blood under her fingernails. Check out point #83 in the article at freerepublic.com. And China had her and her husband (who forgot that he was married. "...that depends on what 'is' is..." blech!) in their back pockets among many other things during Billy's 8 year masquerade.

Ron Paul or Ralph Nader? Ummm, how can I say this without sounding condescending? Ok, here it goes. Ha-ha-haaaaaa!!!!!!!!!

John McCain? His records not perfect. I mean, his support for stem cell research gives me problems, but we have to choose between the "lesser of two evils" or the lesser of four evils in this case. McCain is a supporter of the nation of Israel. He believes in finishing what we started in Iraq. His faith in Jesus is not questioned. And he didn't kill anybody (that didn't deserve it) that I know of. John's ok for me...especially in a line-up with the remaining would-be presidents.

But I digress...let me make my point as clear as possible...


Later tater,


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